Welcome to Biology of the Living Earth (Collab, CP, Honors)
Mr. Lund and Ms. Ryan (collab) D102
Syllabus: Biology of the Living Earth
Chino High School
Description of course: Biology is designed to meet diploma requirements for the students’ science obligation upon graduation. Students will gain insight and understanding of life by examining and exploring the science concepts as set forth in the Next Generation Science Standards which consist of Performance Expectations, Disciplinary Core Ideas, Cross Cutting Concepts and Science and Engineering Practices.
The textbook for Biology of the Living Earth is Experience Biology – The Living Earth, published by Miller & Levine. Each student will receive a hardcopy of the text, for use at home, will be able to access the text online, and will have access to the printed text in the classroom. In addition, there will be support materials in the form of other texts, films, lab activities, and projects.
The text is a valuable resource for learning the concepts taught in Bio Living Earth, and the more familiar you become with it, and the more you study, the more success – and fun – you will have in this class. Remember – learning is gift you give yourself. Learning provides knowledge, and knowledge is power – the power to choose, plan, and create your best life. It is up t
Topics covered:
- Unit 0 – Intro to Biology, Metric system, Scientific Method, and Lab safety
- Unit 1 – Cell Structure and Function
- Unit 2 – Energy – Photosynthesis and Respiration
- Unit3 – Ecology – Ecosystems, Energy flow, Cycles of Matter
- Unit4 – DNA/RNA
- Unit5 - Genetics
- Unit6 - Evolution
Materials Needed:
- 8 ½ x 11 spiral notebook, or 3-ring binder
- Lined, college ruled 8.5x11 paper
- Pens, pencils and colored pencils
- District provided Chromebook (every day)
Grading Policy:
Assignments will be weighted as follows:
- 50% Tests and Quizzes
- 40% Classwork and labs
- 10% Semester Final Exam
Absence Policy:
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up missed assignments, notes and homework. Unexcused absences will result in zero points for late work. You have the same number of days you were absent to get the work in and to make up any tests, quizzes or labs. All assignments will be listed on Google Classroom. If you are absent, it is also your responsibility to determine what assignments you missed by looking on Google Classroom and/or asking the teacher.
You are expected to be in the room, in your seat, paying attention, and ready to begin work when the bell rings. If you are not, you are considered tardy.
Bathroom policy:
Students are not allowed to use the bathroom during instruction or during the first or last ten minutes of class. Otherwise, a student may use the bathroom when needed, at the teacher’s discretion. If permitted, the student will complete a SMART PASS on their Chromebook, sign the provided log, and record their exit and arrival time, and MAY NOT take their cell phones. Students are STRONGLY encouraged to use the restroom only for emergencies – NOT to meet friends outside of class, or to relieve boredom. Abuse of restroom privileges will result in parent contact and/or disciplinary action.
Upon entering class, each student is to place their cell phone in the designated pocket of the storage box on the demo table at the front of the room. Outlets are provided for those who bring adapters and wish to charge their phones. No ear buds,, air pods or other listening devices are to be seen or used in class.
Consequences for having electronics out are as follows:
- 1st offense: warning
- 2nd offense: teacher will confiscate device and will return it to the student at the end of the period.
- 3rd offense: teacher will confiscate device and student will have to pick it up at the office.
- 4th offense: teacher will confiscate device and parents will have to pick it up from the office.
- 5th offense: parents will have to pick up and a Saturday school will be assigned.
PARENTS – Students are not to use their cell phones during class time. DO NOT text or call during class time. Family emergencies can be called in to the office, and – if the student is to be picked up – the teacher will receive a call on the classroom phone, advising to send the student up to attendance for checkout. If the student is not leaving, notification can wait until class is out.
Per the Parent/Student Handbook:
Possession of Cellular Phones and Electronic Signaling Devices
Students may possess or use personal electronic signaling devices including, but not limited to, pagers, beepers,
and cellular/digital phones provided such devices do not disrupt the educational program or school activity and
are not used for illegal or unethical activities such as cheating on assignments or tests. Any signaling device may
be used ONLY before school begins and after the regular school day ends or during the lunch period when
Permitted devices shall:
• Be turned off during class time and at any other time directed by a district employee (device shall not be
used during class as a calculator and/or for text messaging.)
• Not disrupt the educational program or school activity
If a disruption occurs or a student uses any mobile communication device for improper activities, an employee
shall direct the student to turn off the device and/or confiscate it. If a school employee finds it necessary to
confiscate a device, he/she may either return it at the end of the class period or school day or keep it until the
principal or designee has consulted with the student’s parent/guardian.
Students who violate District or school rules and regulations may be subject to discipline, including but not limited
to suspension, expulsion, transfer to alternative programs, referral to a student success team (SSC), or
counseling services, or denial of participation in extracurricular or co-curricular activities or other privileges in
accordance with board policy and administrative regulation BP 5131(d)
Rationale: A metastudy of 44 different studies, by ELSEVIER Computers in Human Behavior Reports, involving nearly 148,000 college students from 16 countries (Sunday, Adesope, and Maarhuis) has provided the following highlights:
Smartphone addiction has negative impacts on student learning and overall academic performance.
The greater the use of a phone while studying, the greater the negative impact on learning.
The skills and cognitive abilities students needed for academic success are negatively affected by excessive phone use.
The results of this meta-analysis implied that addicted users show a diminished level in learning.
If college students are negatively impacted by phone use, it is logical to infer that younger high school students, who are less mature, and possess less self-discipline, will be impacted even more. My personal experience is that excessive cell phone use and addiction to social media severely impacts a student’s ability to focus in class, to form their own ideas, to draw their own conclusions, and to successfully complete the class.
I have read, understand, and agree to the cell phone requirements set forth above;
Parent ________________________________________________ Student ________________________________________________ Date ________________
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and responsible manner at all times. They will be active participants in class readings, discussions and labs. It is expected that students will comply with the school’s rules and regulations.
Rules of the room:
- All school policies and dress codes are enforced.
- Students will respect school property (books, desks, chairs, etc) and report any damage immediately.
- Students will leave no gum or litter behind as they leave class, and will clean up any mess they make.
- Students will come to class prepared with a Chrome Book (fully charged), paper and something to write with.
- Cheating, copying and plagiarism are not tolerated. You will receive 0 credit and your parents will be notified. That also applies to allowing students to copy your work.
- Profanity may result in disciplinary action: detention, referral, etc.
- ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT! You need to complete all work using your own thinking and writing skills!
Consequences of breaking classroom/school rules include:
- 1st: verbal warning
- 2nd: detention
- 3rd: parent call
- 4th: office referral
Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions/concerns about your student’s progress, behavior, or the material covered. Also, you may monitor your student’s performance at the Chino High website. I can be reached in my classroom before and after school at (909)627-6351 x 3645 or by email at dana_lund@chino.k12.ca.us.
I have read and understand the Biology Syllabus
__________________________________________ ________________________________
Print student name Class period
__________________________________________ ________________________________
Student signature Date
_____________________________________________________ ________________________________________
Print parent/guardian signature Date
Parent/guardian signature
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