Ramona News and Headlines
Student "One-Stop-Shop" Webpage
The safety and overall well-being of our students is a district priority, and CVUSD staff are excited to introduce a newly created “One-Stop-Shop” where students can access social, emotional, and mental health supports and safety resources! Together, we can provide a positive school climate for all CVUSD students. To learn more and access resources, please select “READ MORE.” La seguridad y el bienestar general de nuestros estudiantes es una prioridad del distrito, y el personal de CVUSD se complace en presentar una "Ventanilla única" recientemente creada donde los estudiantes pueden acceder a apoyos y recursos de seguridad sociales, emocionales y de salud mental. Juntos, podemos brindar un clima escolar positivo para todos los estudiantes de CVUSD. Para obtener más información y acceder a recursos, seleccione "LEER MÁS".
K12 School Quality Survey
Beginning January 20, the K12 School Quality Survey will be available for CVUSD parents/guardians, students, and staff to complete. If you would like to submit your feedback about academic and student support, school leadership, safety and behavior, family involvement, and more, please complete your survey by February 21. Select "Read More" to access the parent/guardian and student surveys.
Request for Support
Are you feeling stressed? Do you need help with grades or checking grades, help with social or emotional issues? Do you need to speak with a counselor? Fill out the request for support form by scanning the QR code or stop by Room 5, our counselors are here to support. ¿Te sientes estresado? ¿Necesita ayuda con las calificaciones o la verificación de calificaciones, ayuda con problemas sociales o emocionales? ¿Necesitas hablar con un consejero? Complete el formulario de solicitud de apoyo escaneando el código QR o pase por la Sala 5, nuestros consejeros están aquí para ayudarlo.
Please click on the link above to submit an online Absence Notification Form. Haga clic en el enlace de arriba para enviar un formulario de notificación de ausencia en línea.
RAAP flyer 2024
Click on the link above for more information. Haga clic en el enlace de arriba para obtener más información.
City of Chino Teen Shuttle
Click on the link above for more information. Haga clic en el enlace de arriba para mas información.
Welcome to Ramona!
Click on the link above to view everything you need for the 2024-2025 school year. Haga clic en el enlace de arriba para ver una presentación de todo lo que necesita para una transición sin problemas al año escolar 2024-2025.
Aeries Parent Portal / Portal para padres Aeries
For the 2022-23 school year, all parents will need to create a Parent Portal account in Aeries to complete paperless registration (data confirmation) . Click here to access instructions for creating a Parent Portal account. / Para el año escolar 2020-21, todos los padres deberán crear una cuenta en el Portal para padres en Aeries para completar el registro sin papel (confirmación de datos). Haga clic aquí para acceder a las instrucciones para crear una cuenta en el Portal para padres.
RAAP After School Program / Programa después de la escuela RAAP
Click on the link above to download an application for the 2024-2025 school year. Haga clic en el enlace de arriba para descargar una solicitud para el año escolar 2024-2025.
CVUSD Health Center Flyer
Click on the link above to access the CVUSD Health Services webpage/ Haga clic en el enlace de arriba para acceder a la pagina de Servicios de Salud del Distrito Escolar de Chino Valley Unified
Parent Square
Click on the link above to view a How-To video for the Parent Square app. Haga clic en el enlace de arriba para ver un video instructivo para la aplicación Parent Square.
HOPE Center /Centro HOPE
HOPE Center case managers are available by telecommunication (phone and email) to assist with Medi-Cal & Cal Fresh applications, food bank referrals, up-to-date district info and more. / Los administradores de casos del Centro HOPE están disponibles por telecomunicación (teléfono y correo electrónico) para ayudar con las solicitudes de Medi-Cal y Cal Fresh, referencias al banco de alimentos, información actualizada del distrito y más.
Ramona Announcements
CVUSD Health Center is Open and Helping Children Stay Healthy and Ready for School
The Health Center is open Mon-Fri, 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. to provide well-child physical exams, sick care treatment and immunizations for children 0-18 years. Patients are seen by appointment only. Click here to learn more.
Online Registration Now Available
If you are the parent/guardian of a student(s) you would like to enroll for the first time at CVUSD, you can now do most of the enrollment online! Click HERE to begin the online enrollment process. If you are the parent/guardian of a current student at CVUSD, no action is necessary until you receive more instructions from your school site.
Suicide Prevention Awareness Materials Now Available
September may have been National Suicide Awareness Month, but protecting our your is a year-long focus. As of 2017, suicide is the second leading cause of death for people ages 10-34 in the U.S. To learn more on how to recognize and assist those in need, please click HEREto accesss Dr. Dianne Vargas's presentation presented at the February 5th Suicide Prevention Awareness Forum.
Family Engagement Center
Want to support your student's learning and build a partnership with school staff? Have a student transitioning from Pre-K to Kindergarten, elementary to junior high, or junior high to high school? The Family Engagement Center offers parents, students, and the CVUSD community workshops all year long. Click HERE to learn more!
HOPE Center Offers Help to Families in Need
CVUSD's HOPE Center offers Chino Valley families in need or crisis a safe and welcoming place to find assistance with food and clothing, hygiene supplies, Medi-Cal/Covered CA registration, housing information and so much more. Services are free! Visit the HOPE Centers webpage HERE if you would ike to learn more about available services or are interested in becoming a partner.
- McKinney-Vento