• Welcome to Mrs. Bonnema's Distance Learning Classroom! 

    On the first day of school, please go to ClassLink and click Google Classroom. You have already been added to our class period. Once inside Google Classroom, you will see a link to our Google Meet on the top of the page, under the class title. Please join!


    Contact Information

    Email: michelle_bonnema@chino.k12.ca.us

    *I am committed to responding to all student and parent emails within 24 hours on weekdays.*


    Virtual Office Hours

    During virtual office hours, I will be live via Google Meet. Find the link on our Google Classroom.

    Reminder: My office hours link is different from our regular class Google Meet. 

    Monday 8:15-9:00 am

    Tuesday/Thursday 1:35-2:45 pm


    Class Access

    We will be using Google Classroom to post and submit electronic assignments. All students will be enrolled automatically in the appropriate Google Classroom. The link is on Aeries next to our class title, or you can access your Google Classrooms through Classlink (my.classlink.com/chino). 

    In our Google Classroom, you will find the link for our Google Meet. We will hold virtual meetings via Google Meet, following the CHHS Distance Learning Schedule. 

    If you are having trouble accessing our Google Classroom, please email me immediately.

    Grades will be updated on Aeries. 

    Please check the Google Classrooms Announcements page and your CVUSD email regularly!