CVUSD is Home to 10 CA Distinguished Schools!
Established by the CDE in 1985, the California Distinguished Schools Program recognizes elementary, middle, and high schools that demonstrate exemplary achievements. Schools recognized as a California Distinguished School hold the title for two years. Using a multiple measures accountability system, eligible schools are identified as a CA Distinguished School based on their performance and progress on the state indicators as specified on the California School Dashboard.
Program categories that recipients can qualify under include closing the achievement gap and demonstrating exceptional student performance. To date, Chino Valley Unified School District has 19 school campuses that have been designated as a CA Distinguished School:
Alicia Cortez ES E.J. Marshall ES Michael G. Wickman ES
Ayala HS Eagle Canyon ES Oak Ridge ES
Butterfield ES Edwin Rhodes ES Rolling Ridge ES
Cal Aero K8 Gerald Litel ES Townsend JHS
Canyon Hills JHS Hidden Trails ES Woodcrest JHS
Chaparral ES Liberty ES
Country Springs ES Lyle S. Briggs K8