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CVUSD Ducked, Covered, and Held During the Great CA Shakeout!

What do you call a cow during an earthquake? A milkshake!

The Great CA Shakeout is more than just an annual exercise in earthquake protocol. It’s an important reminder to think about what you will do to protect yourself when the earth begins to shake and quake. On October 19, 2023, at 10:19 a.m., millions in the global community joined together to practice quake-safe actions and build muscle memory on what to do during an earthquake. CVUSD teachers showed students videos on earthquake preparedness, asked critical questions on what actions can be taken during an earthquake, and practiced how to evacuate buildings safely and calmly.

School staff and District personnel also joined in with training to prepare their campuses and offices for an emergency. Administrators and custodial staff practiced hanging color coded flags outside the school that describe the state and health of students and staff on campus. These colored flags allow for an instant assessment by emergency vehicles driving by to complete a “dashboard assessment.”

Thank you to all who participated in this year’s Shakout event and remember, practice makes perfect!

To learn more about earthquake preparedness, please visit

Photo collage of CVUSD students and staff during Great Shake Out