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Two CVUSD Teachers Honored by California Association of Directors of Activities

Three cheers for Ms. Celia Collins of Briggs K8 and Ms. Valerie Vera-Mineer of Canyon Hills JHS for the fantastic work they are doing on their campuses!

The California Association of Directors of activities (CADA) honored Ms.Collins with the Area Service Award for Area E for her outstanding service and leadership with CADA. In addition to her English Language Arts duties, Ms. Collins served as the Leadership advisor at Briggs for many years. She leads by example and everyone on campus is thankful for her service and commitment to Briggs. This year, she is passing on her wisdom by mentoring a new ASB advisor in leadership to continue supporting the growth of a positive school culture at Briggs.

For her dedication and incredible work with student leaders, Ms. Valerie Vera-Mineer has been honored with the Warren Shull Middle School Award. Serving as the Renaissance Advisor at Canyon Hills JHS, Ms. Vera-Mineer offers support and encouragement for all students and staff. Ever since she arrived at Canyon Hills, she has worked tirelessly to create a place where kinds want to be. She is passionate about recognizing student achievements and brings positive energy to campus each day. Students and staff at Canyon Hills can always count on Ms. Vera-Mineer for guidance, support, and leadership. 

Of course, this isn't the first time CADA has recognized these two awesome leaders! Back in 2017, ms. Collins received the Bob Burton Spirit Award for Area E and Ms. Vera-mineer was awarded the Area Service Award for Area E. 

CVUSD is thankful for Ms. Collins and Ms. Vera-Mineer's tireless efforts in cultivating a positive school culture and congratulate them on their well-desreved recognitions!