STARTER directions - Fall 2024

🔺***If this is your first time in Room C,
please review INTERNET SAFETY vocabulary HERE.***🔺
If you are done with your morning tasks, then you may:
A. Browse and review our online class links:
  1. Class Website (Public) -
    1. Class Vocabulary (GDoc) -
    2. Browse the first 3 tabs on TODAY :

  2. Review our Class Syllabus (on website, Public) -

  3. Please check your Class Calendar handout OR my last class email.
B. Practice your typing skills.

Improving your typing skills is the next step to becoming more marketable in your job skills.

Your learning goals for typing:
  1. Improve and increase your typing speed to 40+ WPM (Words Per Minute)
    1. Why 40 WPM? Read here for more on the industry standard of 40 Words Per Minute.

  2. Typing accuracy to 100%

  3. Get a Typing Certificate from the Career Center (Room 4).

    To begin practicing, CLICK HERE >> The Typing Club. 


    Happy practicing!

    🌺Mrs. Bondoc