5th Grade Physical Fitness

5th Grade Physical Fitness Testing
Presidential Fitness
The 5th graders will be tested on four physical fitness tests (1 mile run, curl-ups, push-ups, and sit and reach) during the week of March 23rd. If any student passes all four tests at the 85th percentile or above they will be given the Presidential Award Certificate.  Please be sure to remind your scholar to wear proper clothing and shoes for exercising, and to eat a healthy breakfast.

The FITNESSGRAM® includes tests for six key areas of fitness:
  • Aerobic capacity (PACER), is one of the best measures of cardiovascular fitness
  • Muscular strength (Push-ups), measures upper body strength and endurance
  • Muscular endurance (Curl-ups), measures abdominal strength and endurance
  • Flexibility (Trunk Lift and Sit & Reach), measures muscle fitness of the trunk and lower body
  • Body composition (Body Mass Index, BMI), uses height/weight/gender/age calculations to estimate the percentage of fat to lean body mass (muscles, bones, organs).