Stevens, Chris
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Distance Teaching and Learning Classroom Expectations
General Expectations
· Students should not share their login information, meeting links, or passwords with others.
· To the extent possible, students should participate in virtual instruction from a quiet and neutral area that is free of distractions.
School and classroom rules apply to the virtual instruction environment.
· It is recommended that students review the District Technology Acceptable/ Responsible Use Policy regarding expectations for behavior while conducting themselves online and on District devices. Click here to Review the CVUSD Responsible Use Policy.
· Students should dress appropriately for virtual instruction sessions.
· Students who use inappropriate language, share inappropriate images, or in any way behave inappropriately on a video conference will be subject to appropriate discipline.
Students should not conduct audio or video recordings or take screen shots of virtual class meetings or activities unless they have received prior permission to do so from a teacher or authorized District official.
· To the extent possible, parents should allow the student to work with the instructor or provider in a quiet, private space. However, to the extent a student requires adult support to participate in virtual instruction/services, a parent or guardian may be specifically asked by the instructor or service provider to provide such support.
· Once the virtual instruction session or meeting is over, students should be sure to close out of the meeting platform entirely. Students should also ensure that cameras are covered and that microphones are turned off to avoid inadvertent transmission following the meeting.
Virtual Meetings
- Students should begin to login to virtual settings at least 5 minutes prior to the start of the class.
- Students should wear a good physical education shirt, shorts/sweats, and good tennis shoes to exercise in.
- Students should be muted when they enter the virtual meeting room, and do not unmute yourselves until asked to do so by the teacher.
- Students should not be simultaneously on any cell phones, tablets, or other electronic devices while the virtual meeting is in progress unless told to do so by the teacher.
- The virtual meeting times will be communicated by announcements on the Google Classroom platform.
- If a student is absent from the meeting, they should do their best to communicate with a classmate to find out what they missed. And then, with the teacher on how best to make up the missed information/assignment.
- This will be a vital practice to be successful in any online distance learning module.
- The students primary way of communication will be email via their school email account. I will do my absolute best to respond within 24 hours.
- During virtual meetings via Google Meets, the students will be able to physically ask questions and get immediate feedback, which will play a huge roll in understanding the content for the day.
Teacher commitments
- I will commit to timely communication with students and parents.
- I will commit to engage all students.
- I will commit to treating everyone with kindess and respect.
- I will commit to making distance learning fun and enjoyable.
Student expectations
- Physical Education will provide an individualized, developmentally appropriate and a personally challenging, instructional program.
- The goal is to develop physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, confidence, skills, and motivation needed to enjoy and engage in a lifelong, healthy, active life-style.
Content Standards in Physical Education:
The physically literate individual:
- Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
- Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
- Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health- enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
- Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
- Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self- expression and /or social interaction.
- Assignments will be posted for the day/week for students on the Google Classroom platform.
- The students should be able to access YouTube app in the ClassLink page to complete assignments.
- Quizes can and will be assigned weekly.
- Tests can and will be assigned after a particular unit.
- All assessments will be scheduled in advance, and the students will be given ample notice when they are coming up.
- Students will get feedback on submited work via comments in Google Classroom, email, and in Aeries.
- The turnaround time for feedback to be given will be dependant on the assignement given. Grades will be updated weekly on Aeries. If there is a question/concern about grades, please email the teacher for clarification.
Students will receive 10 points per day. They will keep an A for the day as long as they:
- Present. Attendance is key to success in this class. Which includes but is not limited to Google Meetings. This will also include a question that must be answered for attendance purposes on days tat we do not meet (asynchronous days).
- Dressed. For PE, the students must be prepared to be active. They must have exercise attire on, even though they are at home. There will be days where we are not moving/playing as much, but for the most part, the students will be asked to engage in some sort of physical activity. This includes stretching, exercise, running, playing, fitness activities, etc.
- Participation. Even though we are in a distance learning module, the expectation of this class is that the students maintain a daily routine of a minimum of 30 minutes of activity/exercise.
Students can lose points by doing the following:
- Tardy to class = loss of 5 points. Be on time to your virtual meetings. Grace will be given during this time because I understand there are circumstances that are out of our control with technology, but the students must make every effort to be ready to go 5 minutes before the class starts.
- Non-suit = loss of 10 points. Students can lose 5 points if they have the wrong shoes, shirt, and/or shorts.
- Non-participation = loss of 10 points. If students are not participating, they will receive a verbal warning or two. After that, they will lose participation points for the day. Students can also lose points for not participating in the warm ups/stretch routine.
- Poor citizenship = loss of 10 points. Any conduct unbecoming of a distance learning physical education student, including but not limited to bad choice of language, fighting, bullying, disrespect shown in virtual meetings.
**Students can lose up to 35 points in one day. **
Students can earn make up points for an excused absence by doing the following:
- A written report given by Coach Stevens to be completed within three days of the assignment given.
Troubleshooting Guidance
Student self-solving: visit CVUSD EdTech Notebook (linked on student ClassLink page)
Email teacher for access to teacher-specific applications (list here)