• Welcome

    Hello Butterfield Ranch Families! I am excited about being your child's transitional kindergarten teacher this year! This school year will be filled with fun, lots of learning, and new experiences. I look forward to working with each and every one of you!

    -Ms. Guerrero

  • Welcome to TK! Students need to bring a healthy snack and their backpack daily. Students will need to bring a headset to use. Please label their first and last name on the headset. An extra set of clothing packed inside a ziplock bag with their first and last name labeled on it is recommended.

  • Schedule:

    Monday-Friday 11:10 am - 2:30 pm

    Thursdays: 7:50 am - 11:10 am

    Drop-off and pick-up are at the kindergarten circle.

    At dismissal, students must tell me "good-bye" and verify who they are leaving with.


  • Donations are greatly appreciated!

    Amazon Class Wish List - Click Here

    Thank you so much in advance!

    • Homework/Library: Your child will receive a homework/communication folder. Homework will go home on Fridays and will be turned in the following Friday. Please check this folder daily, remove old classwork, and return it. We will go to the library once a week. Please have your child return their books on library day.
    • Star of the Week: Each student will be chosen to be "Star of the Week." You will need to decorate a poster featuring your child (pictures of family/friends/pets/etc.). I will inform you at least one week before your child's selected week and give you more information.
    • Spirit Day: Every Friday is "Spirit Day" at BRE. You can purchase a Butterfield t-shirt in our office and/or wear our school colors - orange and blue.
    • Birthdays: On your child's birthday we will celebrate by singing a special birthday song. Students are allowed to pass out non-food items only for birthdays. Please ensure that there are 24 items - enough for each student in our classroom.
    • Classroom Rules: Our rules are very important for maintaining a safe and productive learning environment. Please check backpack daily for any important notes. Our BRE "S.T.A.R." rules:
      • Safety first
      • Take responsibility
      • A+ attitude
      • Respect yourself and others
  • Teacher Expectations:

      • Students should be able to write their first name (first letter capitalized, the rest lowercase).
      • Students should be able to use a pair of scissors.
      • Students should be able to sit for short periods of time without interrupting their neighbors.