PBIS Certification
PBIS - Positive Behavior Intervention Supports Platinum Award for Student Centered Positive School Culture
2022 California Pivotal Practice Award
2022 California Pivotal Practice Award Recipient for Student Engagement and Social Emotional Well-Being of our Students
AVID - Advancement via Individual Determination Certification. Proven Achievement. Lifelong Advantage.
Levi Dickey News and Headlines
Student "One-Stop-Shop" Webpage
The safety and overall well-being of our students is a district priority, and CVUSD staff are excited to introduce a newly created “One-Stop-Shop” where students can access social, emotional, and mental health supports and safety resources! Together, we can provide a positive school climate for all CVUSD students. To learn more and access resources, please select “READ MORE.”
K12 School Quality Survey
Beginning January 20, the K12 School Quality Survey will be available for CVUSD parents/guardians, students, and staff to complete. If you would like to submit your feedback about academic and student support, school leadership, safety and behavior, family involvement, and more, please complete your survey by February 21. Select "Read More" to access the parent/guardian and student surveys.
New Student Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year
Click here for detailed information regarding the registration process. We look forward to meeting our New Eagles.
How to translate the webpage into different languages
1. Localice el botón "Translate +" situado en la esquina superior lado derecho de la pagina. 2. Seleccione el botón "Translate +". 3. Seleccione el idioma deseado en la lista desplegable.
Summer Enrichment Program, for students currently enrolled in grades TK-6
Program Dates: June 9th - July 2nd, 2025. Daily from 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. Click here to find QR code for registration.
SOAR After-school Registration
Click here to learn more about the SOAR After-School Program registration process.
LOW OR NO COST MEDICAL CARE FOR CHILDREN AGES 0-21. Please call us at (909) 628-1201 Ext. 8935.
Family Engagement Center
CENTRO DE INVOLUCRAMIENTO PARA FALILIAS DE CVUSD - A friendly place with workshops, academies, and helpful information for parents, staff, and communities. Click here to learn more.
HOPE Family Resource Center
We're here to help! We assist with Food & Clothing, Counseling and MORE! Estamos aqui oara ayudar! Nosotros asistinos con Ropa y comida, Consejeria y mucho más! COPY and PASTE the link for more: https://www.chino.k12.ca.us/Page/15561
Show your School Spirit
TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS are SPIRIT DAYS! On Tuesdays we wear our grey University shirts or a University shirt, on Fridays we wear our blue Levi Dickey Eagles shirt or a royal blue shirt, to show School Spirit. Get your Levi Dickey Spirit Gear today. Click here to view the order form.
Levi Dickey Announcements
Upcoming Events
February 25, 2025
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Art Showcase at Magnolia Jr. High
February 26, 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Art Showcase at Magnolia Jr. High
February 28, 2025