• pennant
    Mrs. Way's Kindergarten Class
    Room 2

    Contact Information/Office Hours

    Email: jenni_way@chino.k12.ca.us
    I will respond to ClassDojo and email within 24 hrs on weekdays.

    Kindergarten Schedule
    Kindergarten gate opens at 7:40 a.m.
    Kindergarten Hours: Monday-Friday 7:50a.m. - 11:10 a.m. 

    Grading, Curriculum & Homework
    Grading and Curriculum will follow Board Policy and District Guidelines. 
    Digital homework will be assigned in "Seesaw" each Monday and is due on Sunday. 

    1st Trimester Memorization Homework: 
    Recognize and write name correctly. (Capital followed by lowercase letters)
    Recognize and name 26 capital and 26 lowercase letters out of order.
    Name the consonant and vowel letter sounds.
    Recognize and name numbers 1-10 out of order.
    Practice memorizing Kindergarten sight words.
    Count to 20.

    Thank you for your support at home!