• CPP Logo

    Welcome to Mrs. Dwyer's Classroom for the 2024-2025 School Year

  • Contact Information

    Email: lyana_dwyer@chino.k12.ca.us

    I am committed to responding to all student and parent emails within 24 hours on weekdays. 

    Remind Class Code (For Parent Use Only): @7c8k63 or click this link provided to Join Here

    Phone: 909-627-9741 


  • Parents and Students, please check the ANNOUNCEMENT page frequently for the most up to date information

  • Schedule


    7:50-8:50 ELA Whole Group

    8:50-9:20 ELA Small Group

    9:20-9:50 Writing Workshop

    9:50-10:03 Recess

    10:03-11:30 Math Whole Group

    11:30-12:10- Lunch

    12:10-12:55- Math Small Group

    12:55-1:25- DELD

    1:25-1:45- P.E.

    1:45-2:30- History/Science

    *Library on Fridays from 2:00-2:30

    Dismissal at 2:30



    7:50-8:50-ELA Whole Group

    8:50-9:20- ELA Small Group

    9:20-9:50- History/Science

    9:50-10:03 Recess

    10:03-11:30 Math Whole Group

    11:30-12:10- Lunch

    12:10-12:55- Math Small Group

    12:55-1:33- DELD

    1:33-2:30- P.E.

    Dismissal at 2:30



    Wednesday Minimum Day

    7:50-8:30- Second Step

    8:30-9:40- ELA

    9:40-10:10- DELD

    10:10-10:40- Lunch

    10:40-11:20- Math

    Dismissal at 11:20