
8th Grade Science

    •  Welcome to Mrs. Naramore's Class


      Parent/Teacher/Student Communication 

      Teacher Webpage (on Cal Aero website) 

      Email  (There is an underscore _ between my first and last name)


       Dear Students and Parents, 

          I look forward to working with your child as we dive into the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). This year we will pilot curriculum for our integrated studies in Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth Science This policy is to inform you of the standards and expectations.


      Sign up for my Remind:

      text 81010


      7th Remind: @naramore777

      8th Remind: @naramore888


      Required Materials: brought to class each day

      • 3 ring binder with science divider/pocket
      • 1-subject spiral notebook with a poly/plastic cover
      • Agenda or planner
      • Pencils and pens
      • Scissors
      • Glue stick
      • Highlighters (2 colors)
      • Colored pencils



      As we enter another exciting year of science, we will look closer at Physical, Earth, and Life Science. In 8th grade, students will cover Electricity and Magnetism, Forces and Motion, Genetics, and Space. During this integrated course, students will be asked to communicate, collaborate, think critically, and be creative.


      • Investigate problems and find solutions supported by data and evidence.
      • Interpret and communicate scientific information.
      • Problem solve as a team member.
      • Connect science to other core subjects and the real world to see how different disciplines of science are related to issues in everyday life.


      • Follow lab safety guidelines.
      • Bring a science spiral notebook to class each day; there will be periodic notebook checks. 
      • Actively participate during lesson activities.
      • Complete assigned homework at home.
      • Work cooperatively with a partner or small group during lessons/labs.
      • Complete online assignments through Google Classroom and online textbook. 
      • Bring their charged computer to class on assigned days. 
      • Prepare for quizzes and tests by reviewing daily lessons and class notes.
      • Review online grades through Aeries and set individual grade goals.


      Discipline Policy:

      Students are required to come to class prepared and on time every day. Students that are not prepared or misbehave during instruction will receive the following:

      • Verbal warning
      • Maturity essay that must be signed by their parent and returned the following day
      • Minor/Major incident logs
      • Loss of science privileges (this could mean the student watches his/her lab group perform the next lab)
      • Serious violations will result in immediate removal from the classroom.



      All devices; such as cell phones, AirPods, etc., must be off and placed in backpacks. If not, the device will be taken to the office and parents will be notified. 



      Homework is a vital part of your student’s education; each assignment will correlate with what they are doing in class. Most assignments begin in the classroom and incomplete classwork will be considered homework. Homework submitted late will result in a one letter drop in grade per day unless the student has an excused absence. Homework assignments are not accepted after the unit of study is complete. 

      Make-Up Work:

      Make-up work will be in a designated area in my classroom. Each grade level will have a bin that has all make up work from the current unit. Students are responsible to go to the bin, find the assignment they missed, and pick up the work, asking questions as needed. 


      Make-Up Tests

      Students that receive a test score below 80% may retake the test or complete test corrections to receive a maximum of 80%.


      Grading Scale:

      A - 100 - 90

      B - 89-80

      C - 79-70

      D - 69-60

      F - 59-0


      Assessments: tests, quizzes, projects 60%

      Homework/Classwork/Participation 40%

      TechnologyTroubleshooting Guidance: 

      Student self-solving: visit CVUSD EdTech Classroom Resources (linked on student ClassLink page)



      Remember, I’m here to make sure that your child has a successful year. If you have any questions or concerns about the requirements, policies, or how your student is doing in class, please contact me at any time. 


      I am looking forward to a great year!


      Mrs. Naramore 😊