Gallaher, Rebecca
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Tuesday, December 3, 2024Good afternoon Awesome T.K. Families,I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!Please note that in your child's folder they received a blue sight word packet (10 words). These are the words they need to master by the end of T.K. I highly recommend you practice these words at home daily/weekly to prepare for upcoming assessments.In addition, the Holiday Shop flyer was sent home today. I would kindly like to encourage you to shop online with your child, (see instructions on flyer). Only students who bring money will be taken to the shop to purchase items. Often times, it is very challenging for the children to manage shopping for numerous people and they usually want to purchase items for themselves, which ends in tears. If you still are inclined to send money, please create a detailed list with family members and the amounts they are able to spend on each person. The money and list should be placed in an envelope or ziplock labeled with your child's first and last name on it. Another alternative would be for you to shop with your child in person after 11:10 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday).Important Dates:-Holiday Shopping Date for TK: Monday, December 9th-T.K. Holiday Party: Wednesday, December 18th-100th Day Celebration/Activities: Friday, January 17thVolunteer/Donation Links:Holiday Party Volunteering:100th Day Activity Donations:100th Day Volunteering (Friday, January 17)
Wednesday, 11/06/2024
Good afternoon T.K. Families,Progress Reports for Trimester 1 were sent home today (11/6) in your child's folder. Please review their report and sign the envelope. Please return ONLY the signed envelope ASAP (we reuse the same envelope all year for progress reports). The report is your copy to keep.If you have not done so already, please empty your child's folder from old work/homework/ ect. The folders are getting too full and some are starting to rip. This is also a friendly reminder to pack your child's yellow folder daily to school.TOMORROW, 11/7 is Spirit Day! Please have your child wear Red, White, and Blue for our Veteran's Day assembly.Monday, 11/11 NO SCHOOL in observance of Veteran's Day.Thanksgiving Break (NO SCHOOL): 11/25-11/29Best,Mrs. Gallaher -
Good Afternoon T.K. Families,We have many exciting events ahead! Please see below for information for the next few weeks. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me via email or Dojo. 🙂Book Fair: Our class will be shopping at the School Book Fair this coming Monday, 10/21 from 8:00-8:30. I highly suggest you set your child up with an e-wallet account through Scholastic to allow them to purchase books without having to bring actual cash to school. If you would still like to send cash instead of an e-wallet, please put it in a ziplock labeled with their first and last name on it. Click here to access the Scholastic Book Fair E-wallet: Store: We will visit the STAR Student Store tomorrow and students will 'purchase' toys with their tickets! (10/18) The children have been earning STAR spotlight tickets as incentives for following our School Wide Expectations (S: Safety First, T: Take Responsibility, A: A+ Attitude, R: Respect Yourself and Others)Red Ribbon Week: 10/28-10/3110/28 Monday: Wear Red10/29 Tuesday: PJ Day (NO Slippers)10/30 Wednesday: Hawiian Day10/31 Thursday: Dress like a Book Character (No Masks or Weapons)11/1 Friday: NO SCHOOLHarvest Classroom Party: (Wednesday, 10/30) We will be enjoying a wonderful classroom Fall party with fun-filled center games and cookie decorating! We are kindly asking for each child to bring in a donation of $5 to help purchase items needed for the classroom party. Thank you in advance!Book Character Parade (Thursday 10/31): Dress like a Book Character (No Masks or Weapons) Please bring a book that matches. If you do not have a book that matches you can have your child make one on a piece of paper or print a picture from the computer to match.Make-Up Picture Day: Monday 11/4Best,Mrs. Gallaher
September 18, 2024Dear Awesome TK Families,Here are some important upcoming dates and events:9/20 Wild West Night from 5:00-8:00 p.m. (Games, Food, Prizes, and More! I hope to see you there)9/27 Apple Day (Please bring 1-2 apples to class for activities and tasting -red, yellow, or green)9/30 Picture Day 🙂9/23-10/4 Fun Run Fundraiser10/4 Fun Run RaceVolunteer Link for October:Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!October Scholastic Book Orders:Shop Our Class Page:,Mrs. Gallaher
Friday, September 6, 2024
Dear Tk Families,Happy Friday! This is a friendly reminder that homework is due on Friday's as well as our scheduled Library. I have attached a helpful worksheet to show the correct formation for letters for you to view when supporting your children with their homework. Please use this sheet to help your children write top to bottom/left to right. I also sent the new homework packet and a paper copy of the letter formation in their folders.*Friday's are Spirit Wear- Please wear your Butterfield Shirt or orange and blue*9/11 Spirit Day- Wear Red, White, and Blue*9/16-9/20- Parent Teacher Conference Week (minimum day all week)*9/20- Wild West NightBest,Mrs. Gallaher -
September 3, 2024
Good afternoon TK Families,Thank you to those of you who already signed up for Parent/Teacher Conferences. 🙂 If you have yet to do so, please click on the link below to choose one time slot.Homework folders were sent home today (9/3). Please have your child complete no more than one page of homework per night. This is also a friendly reminder to send the yellow folders daily to school to use as a communication folder and homework is due every Friday.Our Library day will also be every Friday so please pack their books to exchange each Friday.Best,Mrs. Gallaher -
August 23, 2024
Good afternoon Awesome TK Families,Thank you so much for those of you who were able to attend last night's Back to School Night. For those of you who were unable to attend I have attached our presentation for your viewing. Please reach out to me if you have any questions, I am always happy to assist in any way possible.During Back to School Night, I asked parents to sign-up if they were interested in being our 'Room Parent' or sharing those duties. We had a few parents sign up last night but if you are interested in joining them please make sure you email me so I can add you to the list.Today I have sent home (Neon Pink) Library Permission Forms. Please sign and return these forms on Monday, August 25th to ensure your child can check out a school library book. Our first visit will be next week! 🙂I have also started collecting student headphones and I will store them in the classroom to use with our Chromebooks. If you have yet to send headphones, please do so by the first week on September.Lastly, I will start sending out classroom monthly volunteering links and donation links for fun-filled activities each month. Please click on the links below to sign up to volunteer in the classroom. Also, a friendly reminder that if you cannot get a volunteer spot but you would still like to come please reach out to me so we can work out a time/date. I'd love to extend this opportunity to any parents who want to come and join the fun in TK! We will also be having holiday parties through out the year that I will open more volunteer spots for.August Volunteer Link:Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!September Volunteer Link:Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!Donations for Activities:Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!Best,Mrs. Gallaher -
Monday, August 19, 2024Dear Wonderful TK Families,This is a friendly reminder that this coming Thursday, August 22 is Back to School Night. Ms. Guerreo (PM teacher) and I will be hosting both sessions together. Please feel free to attend either session to find out critical information about this coming school year and have all questions answered. We kindly ask for this to be an adult only event. If your child does need to attend please bring them something quite to entertain them during the meeting. I am looking forward to talking with all of you on Thursday. 🙂Back to School Night: Thursday, August 22PTA Meeting: 5:00-5:30Session 1: 5:30-6:10Session 2: 6:20-7:00Best,Mrs. Gallaher
Friday, August 9, 2024Dear Wonderful T.K. Families,Woohoo! Congrats to the students to successfully completing their first week in T.K. I am truly in awe of how absolutely wonderful your children are and I can tell we are going to have an excellent year. 🙂I wanted to send a few items of information:-Candy Cart (Run by the PTA): will be coming to our classroom every Thursday at dismissal for students to purchase treats. You are welcome to send a few dollars for your child to purchase these treats. Most items range in cost from $0.50-1. Please do not send a large amount of money because they are young and it can be difficult for them to keep track of their money. I recommend around $1.-Every Friday is Spirit Wear: Please encourage your child to wear blue and orange on Friday or purchase an awesome shirt or jacket from PTA. Spirit Wear order forms can be picked up in the office and will be delivered within the week to the classroom. I will help your child put it in their backpack. Students will be rewarded with STAR Spotlight tickets on Friday if they wear our school colors/Spirit Wear.-Please join our PTA! The classroom with the most participates will earn a treat! 🙂 (Flyer Attached)-Scholastic Book Orders: Today Scholastic Book Order forms were sent home with the students. Please feel free to order any books they may like online using our classroom code:NB4PL I did not assign a due date on the flyer but please submit all online orders by Friday, August 23. All items purchased will help our classroom accumulate points to purchase items for our classroom library!Shop Our Class Page: book order earns FREE Books for your class. Plus you pick a FREE Book with a $25 order! to School Night: Thursday, August 22. I kindly ask for you to attend one of the two sessions. I also ask for this to be an adult only meeting. Thank you in advance.-PTA Meeting: 5:00-5:30 pm-First Session: 5:30-6:10 pm-Second Session: 6:20-7:00 pm
August 2, 2024Good afternoon T.K. Families,It was absolutely wonderful to meet all of you today during Meet the Teacher! I am looking forward to a wonderful year ahead. I wanted to reach out to you and offer my email as well as my school webpage as a resource to contact me and to check any classroom updates and information.I am also using the Dojo App this school year and I'd love for you to join the classroom. On Dojo you can communicate with me via 'text message' for a quicker response. I also love to take photos of your children to share with you personally their awesome learning experiences in T.K. If you are interested in joining the classroom Dojo App please click the link below:Build wonderful classroom communities with parents and studentsLastly, this coming Monday, August 5th will be our T.K. Orientation. We kindly ask that at least ONE parent or adult come with your child to learn more information about our classroom, have a tour, and enjoy a preview of fun centers and activities for the students. Please enter and exit through the kindergarten Circle Gate for orientation and come directly to the classroom (Room 3). On Tuesday, please have ONLY your child enter through the Kindergarten Circle Gate, I will be there 10 minutes early to gather the children before walking to class. I kindly ask that your child bring a full-sized backpack (large enough to fit a folder), labeled water bottle, and labeled snack. Please ensure all items are labeled with your child's name so nothing is misplaced. I would also recommend for you to pack one extra change of clothes in a Ziplock to keep in your child's backpack in case of an accident. We will also be using headphones this year, I would prefer an audio jack attachment since it is easier for the students to use. Please bring the head phones in a Ziplock with your child's first and last name labeled by the end of August.Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any further questions. 🙂Best,Mrs. Gallaher
Welcome to TK 2024-2025!
I am looking forward to meeting with all of you at 'Meet the Teacher' on Friday, August 2nd from 9:00-10:00 a.m.
Mrs. Gallaher