• Back to school 



     Welcome sweet first graders to the 2023-2024 NEW YEAR! We are so excited to welcome you to Dickson Elementary! You won't believe how much you will learn and how much FUN we will have along the way! 



    • School begins at 7:50am and ends at 2:30pm(except for minimum day Wednesdays: 11:20am dismissal).
    • If you are tardy, check your child in at the office.
    • Bring snack and water bottle everyday.
    • Students may pack lunch or participate in the free lunch program.
    • A HOMEWORK BINDER will be provided for your child by the teacher. DAILY homework will be given(except Fridays) and must be turned in the following day.
    • If your child is absent, please inform the office staff. You may also request homework from the teacher(recommended). If you are requesting independent study, a five-day notice is required.
    • School supplies will be given at school.
    • Students: Come in with a big smile, ready to learn!


    Thank you for supporting your child as we strive for EXCELLENCE! We look forward to getting to know your child. 


    Expectations and Grades:

    See your teacher's classroom page.



    Mrs. Ollano : Office Hours-- TBA , REMIND, Cecilia_Ollano@chino.k12.ca.us

    Mrs. Fleming: Office Hour-- TBA, REMIND, kristine_fleming@chino.k12.ca.us

    Mrs. Monge: Office Hour --TBA, REMIND, Thuy_Monge@chino.k12.ca.us 

    The First Grade Team