• Welcome back to school ESL level 4 and 5 learners! While we may be beginning this year differently than past years, I am extremely excited to meet this year’s recruits. I’m looking forward to working with you to ensure a rigorous, productive, and fun year given whatever circumstances we may encounter.

    Let me begin by sharing a little information about myself. My name is Mike Wendling, and I began my teaching career over 34 years ago. I have taught every grade level from 3rd to 12th, and I'm thrilled to begin working with the Adult Education team! My experience at Rolling Ridge, Country Springs and Rhodes have been the most enjoyable to me because each of their philosophies incorporates multiple intelligences and the belief that all students are gifted in some way. Our challenge as teachers is to encourage and inspire our students to find their gifts.

    We will meet Monday and Tuesday from 5:30PM - 8:30PM.

    I am looking forward to a productive year with this group of learners. If you ever have questions/concerns, please let me know.

    Your friendly, neighborhood ESL teacher,

    Mike Wendling

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