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                                       High School Diploma  


    Mr. Olaver's Math Class during COVID-19 Restrictions.  Masks must be worn during class.

    Each student is encouraged to use the Khan Academy program on the computer which will allow them to have instructional videos and step by step views of problem solutions.

    “I was raised to show respect. I was taught to knock before I open a door. Say hello when I enter a room. Say please and thank you, and to have respect for my elders.  I’d let another person have my seat if they need it. Say, ‘yes sir’ and ‘no sir,’ and help others when they need me to. Hold the door for the person behind me, say ‘excuse me’ when it’s needed and to love people for who they are and not what I can get from them and most importantly, I was also raised to treat people exactly how I would like to be treated by others.

    It’s called respect.”

    I will respect you and expect the same from you.”