August 9, 2024
Dear Families,
Our class is doing an amazing job, and I am so proud of how much we have accomplished so far.
Our first homework paper, name writing practice, went home Friday - please return by next Friday (or earlier).Online homework will start the week of August 26th (I will explain online homework at Back-to-School night).
Please check for an email next week that includes your child's ClassLink password. Once you receive your login information, please practice learning your password as part of homework time.
Save the date - "Back to School Night" is Thursday, August 22nd. One adult should attend in Rm#2 (no children please and no strollers).
If you haven't yet, please send in a pencil box (that does not zip) and headphones (in a baggy labeled with your child's name) to use with their Chromebook in class, we will be having some testing soon and they will need them by next week.Please be mindful of sending your children to class with shoe laces. If your child can not tie their own shoes they should be wearing another style of shoe, such as shoes with velcro. The shoe laces are a distraction when they untie them and play with them all throughout the day. Thank you for your support in this matter.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
May 17, 2024Dear Families,BRE won a CVUSD attendance challenge, and our entire school will be getting a pizza party! Kindergarten students will be having pizza on Monday, May 20th (students do not need to bring a snack that day).We are down to our last four days of kindergarten. Our end of the year party will be on Wednesday, May 22nd. Thanks to everyone who already turned in party donations. Please send in donations on Monday if you haven't already.We will not have spelling words or online homework for our last week, but please continue to read books and practice sight words.I hope you have a fantastic weekend,Mrs. Escobedo
May 10, 2024
Dear Families,Our students did a fantastic job at our Kindergarten Performance. Thanks so much for attending our program and visiting our classroom for Open House!Also, Thank You for all of the sweet notes, pictures, gift cards, flowers, chocolates, and more sent in for "Teacher's Appreciation Week" - I feel very appreciated and loved! Thank you so much. I sent home individual Thank You notes for gifts that were sent in with your students. However, if I missed your student I have their note for them on Monday, I just ran out of time to pass them out today.We will have one last spelling test this week and homework paper was sent home today. However, there will be no online homework for our last two weeks of school. Please be sure to practice our final spelling words and return homework by this Friday:Today we returned all library books and the library is closed for checking out anymore books. Mrs. Kilpatrick will be sending home Library Book notices next week if your student did not turn in their library book today.Monday May 13 is a Minimum day - Monday we start at 7:50am and dismissal is at 11:10am. Please be sure to pick up your student by 11:10. Thursday is also our normal minimum day as usual.Spelling words this week are: play ball fall tall wallI hope you have an awesome weekend and Happy Mother's Day!!Mrs. Escobedo
May 6, 2024
Dear Families,
Spirit days continue next week: Tuesday, May 7th wear red; Wednesday, May 8th wear neon; Thursday, May 9th wear Hawaiian attire.
Our Kindergarten Program and Open House will be THIS Wednesday, May 8th from 4:30-6PM! Students need to report to their classroom between 4:30-4:45, our program will be in the MPR from 5-5:30, and Open House will be in our classroom from 5:30-6PM.
Friday was our last day to check out new library books. Please return library books by Friday, May 10th.
Assessments next week will be for make-ups and retesting only.
Please read books and practice sight words as part of homework time. Don't forget to log in to ClassLink/Savvas/McGraw-Hill for online assignments and return library books and spelling homework by Friday.
Our new spelling words: look king ring sing wing
I hope you had a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
April 26, 2024
Dear Families,
CAASPP spirit days start on Tuesday, April 30th. Please check the BRE homepage for more information. If your student participates in the spirit days they will receive a STAR spotlight. Thank you for helping our 3-6 grade students to do their best on the test!
Assessments next week will be for make-ups and retesting. If your student has not mastered any of the past tests over the course of the year they will be given the chance to re-test over the next two weeks.
Our Kindergarten Program and Open House will be on Wednesday, May 8th from 4:30-6pm. Students should be brought to their classroom between 4:30-4:45, our K Program will be from 5-5:30 and our Open House will be in our respective classrooms from 5:30-6pm. Then school will close.
Please read books and practice sight words as part of homework time. Don't forget to log in to ClassLink/Savvas/McGraw-Hill for online assignments and return library books and spelling homework by Friday.
Our new spelling words: we car far jar star
I hope you have a great weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
April 22, 2024
Dear Families,
Please be sure to send in those RSVP papers with a yes or no if your child will be participating in the Kindergarten performance May 8.
Assessments this week will be a Social Studies test on "calendar skills" and a Science test "caterpillar to butterfly" that we have been reviewing for the last 2 weeks and Calendar Skills that we have been working on all school year.
Our Kindergarten Program and Open House will be on Wednesday, May 8th from 4:30-6pm.
Please read books and practice sight words as part of homework time. Don't forget to log in to ClassLink/Savvas/McGraw-Hill for online assignments and return library books and spelling homework by Friday. Our new spelling words: are best rest test vest
I hope you had a fantastic weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
April 12, 2024
Dear Families,
Save the date: our kindergarten program and open house will be on Wednesday, May 8th from 4:30-6pm. Please return the RSVP paper sent home yesterday by Friday, April 19th.
Assessments next week will be questions on literature knowledge (ex: characters, setting, events) and ELA retesting.
Please read books and practice sight words as part of homework time. Don't forget to log in to ClassLink/Savvas/McGraw-Hill for online assignments and return library books and spelling homework by Friday. Our new spelling words: and band hand land sand
I hope you have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
March 22, 2024
Dear Families,
Our spring break will be Monday, March 25th through Monday, April 2nd.
Friday, April 5th will be our monthly BRE spirit day - wear blue for Autism awareness.
We will not have assessments the week we return, we will be doing make-up testing and retesting for any of those students who did not meet the standards on their report card. Also, homework will not be assigned during our break. However, some optional homework ideas: read books, practice sight words, work on black math book pages, practice writing sentences, etc.
The spelling homework paper went home today, but does not need to be returned until Friday, April 5th.
Our next spelling words are: to bug hug rug slug
I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing spring break!
See you April 2, 2024
Mrs. Escobedo
March 17, 2024
BRE will be having a PTA meeting on Tuesday, March 19th @6PM (see flyer below).
Assessments next week will be for addition and subtraction tests.
Spring break will be Monday, March 25th through Monday, April 1st
School will resume April 2nd
Please read books and practice sight words as part of homework time. Don't forget to log in to ClassLink/Savvas/McGraw-Hill for online assignments and return library books and spelling homework by Friday.
Our new spelling words this week are: is hop mop pop shop
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Mrs. Escobedo
March 8, 2024
Our class visited the BRE Book Fair today to preview the books. Our day to shop for books will be Thursday, March 14th. Please see the newsprint paperwork that was sent home earlier this week. You can also visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/butterfieldranchelemschool
Our assessments next week will be a math test on adding and subtracting.
March 6 we took Spring Pictures, today your student was sent home with a paper from the picture company that has a QR code for you to scan in about 2 weeks to view your child's photos. If the QR code is not working it is because it is too early to check. Please keep checking in to view the photos and follow the instructions for purchasing through the company online. Teachers will NOT be taking photograph orders.
Please read books and practice sight words as part of homework time. Don't forget to log in to ClassLink/Savvas/McGraw-Hill for online assignments and return library books and spelling homework by Friday. Our new spelling words: pin tin win chin my We will have a practice spelling test on Wednesday during centers and please review with your student the spelling words so they are prepared for the test on Friday.
Graded spelling tests will go home on Monday with the graded Math tests.
I hope you have an awesome weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
March 1, 2024
Report cards went home on Wednesday - please sign and return the envelope to school if you haven't already.
Spring pictures will be on Wednesday, March 6th (see flyer that went home for more information).
Our assessments next week will be a Science test on the five senses and a Social Studies test on U.S. symbols.
Please read books and practice sight words as part of homework time. Don't forget to log in to ClassLink/Savvas/McGraw-Hill for online assignments and return library books and spelling homework by Friday. Our new spelling words: can man van than me
I hope you have a fantastic weekend,Mrs. Escobedo
February 23, 2024
Dear Families,Our annual "March Madness Attendance Competition" starts next week (see flyer below).
Report cards will go home on Wednesday, February 28th. Please sign and return the envelope. If you lost the envelope I will not receive another one from the school, so I will have to send home the information without an envelope. If you do not receive an envelope with your report card please just send me an email that you received and viewed the report card.
Friday, March 1st will be our monthly spirit day to celebrate the birthday of Dr. Seuss. Please wear a silly hat and/or crazy socks.
I will be testing reading levels for our assessments next week.
Please read books, practice sight words and log in to ClassLink/Savvas/McGraw-Hill for weekly online homework assignments. Remember to turn in your library book and spelling homework paper on Friday.
Our new spelling words: bun fun run sun see
I hope you have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
February 2, 2024
Dear Families,
Students did an awesome job on our first spelling test today! A reminder that the spelling homework paper will go home every Friday and needs to be returned by the following Friday. If you misplace your homework, you can use any paper from home to write our spelling words 2x each and a sentence on the back and illustrate. Our new spelling words: bed fed red wed a
We will have our party and valentine exchange on Wednesday, February 14th. If your child would like to participate, please purchase or make enough valentines for our 24 students. Do not write who the valentine is to - but have your child sign each one (this will make passing them out much easier).
Assessments next week will be a test on rhyming words.
Be sure to turn in your library book and spelling homework paper on Friday and log in to ClassLink - Savvas/McGraw-Hill for your weekly online assignments.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
January 26, 2024
Dear Families,
Our first spelling test will be on Friday, February 2nd. Paper will be sent home every week for your child to write their spelling words 2x each and a sentence on the back using some spelling words. The spelling homework paper went home today - please return by next Friday. Our spelling words are: at cat hat mat IAssessments next week will be a science test on seasons and weather. I will also be retesting letter sounds, blending and segmenting words.
We will have a Valentine exchange on Wednesday, February 14th. If you would like to participate, please purchase or make enough valentines for our 24 students. Have your child sign each one - but do not write who the Valentine is to (this will make passing them out much easier).
Be sure to turn in your library book and spelling homework paper on Friday and log in to ClassLink - Savvas/McGraw-Hill for your weekly online assignments.
I hope you have a great weekend,Mrs. Escobedo
January 19, 2024
Dear Families,
Monday, January 22nd will be our 100th day of school and our monthly spirit day "dress like you're 100 years old". For a fun (and optional) home activity, your child can make a "100 collection". Please count out 100 items of your choice (coins, toothpicks, cotton balls, etc.) to bring in and share with our class on our 100th day. Or make a poster of those 100 items or pictures of your students favorite thing that they collect or love that you could put 100 of on a poster.
Assessments next week will be a test on comparing numbers 11-20. We will also be retesting number recognition and counting to 100.
Be sure to turn in your library book and homework paper on Friday and log in to ClassLink - Savvas/McGraw-Hill for your weekly online assignments. Also, please practice your flashcards and sight words.
I hope you have a fantastic weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
January 12, 2024
Dear Families,
Your child's progress report was sent in an email yesterday. The left side shows correct answers, and the right side is a guide for the skills we still need to practice in class and as part of homework time with you at home.
There will be no school on Monday, January 15th in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday.
Assessments next week will be for make-ups and retesting sight words. If your progress report shows that all sight words were read correctly, you do not need to log in.
Monday, January 22nd will be our 100th day of school and our monthly spirit day - "dress like you're 100 years old". For a fun (and optional) home activity, your child can make a "100 collection". Please count out 100 items of your choice (coins, toothpicks, cotton balls, etc.) to bring in and share with our class on our 100th day.
Be sure to turn in your library book and homework paper on Friday and log in to ClassLink - Savvas/McGraw-Hill for your weekly online assignments. Also, please practice your flashcards and sight words.
Many students forgot to bring their homework and their library book back to school today, if either of those were forgotten your student was sent home with a reminder sheet and please be sure to turn those in next week.
I hope you have a wonderful three day weekend,Mrs. Escobedo
January 5, 2024
Dear Families,
We are off to a great start in the new year!
Progress Reports will go home next Friday. The left side of the progress report shows correct answers. The right side is a guide for the skills we still need to practice in class and as part of homework time.
The assessments next week will be questions on "literature knowledge" (key details, characters, events, setting, etc.).
Be sure to turn in your library book and homework paper on Friday and log in to ClassLink - Savvas/McGraw-Hill for your weekly online assignments. Also, please practice your flashcards and sight words. Once your child can read the sight words, please send them back to school so that they can earn a sticker, a star on our chart, and take home their next set. If your child has already read the blue sight words, you can create your own ten words to share.I hope you have a great weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
December 14, 2023
Dear Families,
We had so much fun at our party yesterday! A big thanks to our parent volunteers and room parent, Mrs. Binder, for helping to make our day so special. Also, thank you so much for the thoughtful Christmas presents!
There will be no school tomorrow, December 15th through Tuesday, January 2nd.
Students were not given a homework paper today and online homework will not be assigned again until January 8th (assessments will also resume that week). However, some optional homework ideas: read books, practice your sight words, and work on pages in your black math workbook.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
December 8, 2023
Dear Families,
We will be having our Winter party December 13 - NO donations are necessary for this party, please contact Mrs. Binder our room parent if you would like to Volunteer, there is a maximum amount of adults we are allowed in the classroom, so space may be full, but you may always send in a donation to help out with the party if needed. Please contact Mrs. Binder.
BRE monthly spirit day "PAJAMA DAY" will be next Thursday, December 14th. Send your student in their school appropriate pajamas.
Our class turned in our library books today, but we will not check out new books until January. If your student forgot to bring their library book please bring it next week and we can still turn them in, before the break.
Our assessments next week will be for make-ups and retesting.
There will be no school next Friday, December 15th through Tuesday, January 2nd. Be sure to turn in your homework paper by Thursday and log in to ClassLink - Savvas/McGraw-Hill for your weekly online assignments. Also, please practice your flashcards and sight words. Once your child can read the sight words, please send them back to school so that they can earn a sticker, a star on our chart, and take home their next set. If your child has already read the blue sight words, you can create your own ten words to share.
I hope you have a fantastic weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
December 1, 2023
Dear Families,
Butterfield Ranch Elementary will be hosting a "Holiday Toy Drive":
Our assessments next week will be a math test on identifying and describing shapes (including 3D shapes). We will also be retesting number recognition and counting to 100.
Be sure to turn in your library book and homework paper on Friday and log in to ClassLink - Savvas/McGraw-Hill for your weekly online assignments. Also, please practice your flashcards and sight words. Once your child can read the sight words, please send them back to school so that they can earn a sticker, a star on our chart, and take home their next set. If your child has already read the blue sight words, you can create your own ten words to share.Thank you for donating the baby food jars WE DID IT!! we now have enough for everyone to complete the project with the baby food jar next week.
Thank you so much for helping out our class, I greatly appreciate each of you!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend,Mrs. Escobedo
November 17, 2023
Dear Families,
There will be no school Monday, November 20th through Friday November 24th to celebrate Thanksgiving.
We will be doing a special project when we return from Thanksgiving break. Please bring in an empty 4oz. glass baby food jar by Wednesday, November 29th
The week of November 27th we will be testing ending sounds, blending and segmenting sounds. We will also be retesting letter sounds.
Online homework will not be assigned during Thanksgiving break and your sight word paper is not due back until Friday, December 1st. Our module #1 science workbooks went home yesterday for you to keep. We were not able to complete all pages - you are welcome to do more pages at home, especially the letter writing practice pages 89-97, however nothing will be collected or assigned in that book as we are moving onto another book.
I hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving,
Mrs. Escobedo
November 9, 2023
Dear Families,
Thanks to everyone who turned in their report card envelopes. If you haven't yet, please sign and return the envelope next week and return on Monday.
There will be no school tomorrow, November 10th, in honor of Veterans Day.
Our assessment next week will be on sight words.
BRE will be having a food drive November 13th - 16th. Please see flyer below.
Be sure to turn in your homework paper (sight word writing practice) on Friday and log in to ClassLink - Savvas/McGraw-Hill for your weekly online assignments. Also, please practice your flashcards and sight words. Once your child can read the sight words, please send them back to school so that they can earn a sticker, a star on our chart, and take home their next set. If your child has already read the blue sight words, you can create your own ten words to share.
Do you have a baby or toddler at home? Do you buy baby food (the mini glass jars)? If you have baby food jars, when finished with them please do not throw them out, please wash it, take the label off, and send it to school with your student for a STAR SPOTLIGHT as to help donate materials we need for our next project we will be working on in the next couple weeks. Thank you in advance for your support!
I hope you have a wonderful Veterans Day weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
November 3, 2023
Dear Families,
We had a blast at our first party on Tuesday! A special thanks to our parent volunteers and room parent, Mrs. Binder, for the food, crafts, games, goodie bags and fun!First trimester report cards will go home on Tuesday, November 7th. Please be sure to sign and return the report card envelope. If the envelope is lost your student will not receive another envelope
We will have our BRE monthly spirit day on Thursday, November 9th - please wear patriot/military shirts, and/or red, white and blue. There will be no school on Friday, November 10th in honor of Veterans Day.
Assessments next week will be a Social Studies test on California symbols and a Math test on measurement.
Be sure to turn in your library book and homework paper (sight word writing practice) on Thursday (since there is no school on Friday) and log in to ClassLink - Savvas/McGraw-Hill for your weekly online assignments. Also, please practice your flashcards and sight words. Once your child can read the sight words, please send them back to school so that they can present them, can earn a sticker, a star on our chart, and take home their next set. If your child has already read the blue sight words, you can create your own ten words to share.
Are you a parent of an infant or toddler? Do you buy infant/toddler food that comes in mini glass jars? All of Kindergarten will be collecting baby food jars (mini glass jars) for a project that we will be doing in class. If you have those baby food jars please do NOT throw them away. Please take off the labels, clean them out, and send them in with your student, so we can start gathering enough glass baby food jars for all of Kindergarten. Please send them in as soon as you have them emptied out, we will store them for the project as we will be starting the project in a few weeks.
Thank you for all your support!
I hope you have an awesome weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
October 27, 2023
Dear Families,
Monday, October 30th is "Crazy Hat & Wacky Sock Day". Tuesday, October 31st will be our Harvest Party from 1:30pm - 2:30pm, students may dress as their favorite book character.
We will be having a Veteran's Day Ceremony on Thursday, November 9th @ 8:00 a.m. to honor our Veterans. We would love for Veterans to attend the ceremony! Please contact diana_ballard@chino.k12.ca.us or call the BRE office if you have any questions and complete this survey by Friday, November 3rd: https://forms.gle/96q6LpMpCqnUgMoHA
We will not have any testing next week. Teachers will be working on 1st trimester report cards that will go home on Tuesday, November 7th.
Be sure to turn in your library book and homework paper (sight word writing practice) on Friday and log in to ClassLink - Savvas/McGraw-Hill for your weekly online assignments. Also, please practice the flashcards and sight words that were given out at our parent conference. Once your child can read the sight words, please send them back to school so that they can earn a sticker, a star on our chart, and take home their next set. If your child has already read the blue sight words, you can create your own ten words to share.
I hope you have a fantastic weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
October 20, 2023
Dear Families,
"Red Ribbon Week" will be Monday, October 23rd through Tuesday, October 31st. Please see daily activities below.Our class will be visiting the BRE Book Fair on Thursday, October 26th, at 7:55am-8:25am. You can send cash with your child or put money in their eWallet. Here's the link to our book fair with more information: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/butterfieldranchelemschool
Next Friday, October 27, 2023 is a minimum day and PM Kindergarten will begin at 7:50am just like on a Thursday. Please be sure to set a reminder of our TWO minimum days next week, for Thursday and Friday. Friday is a minimum day for teachers to have time to work on report cards for the end of the first trimester.
We are having our first party on Tuesday, October 31st! Please send in party donations by Wednesday, October 25th if you haven't already.
Assessments next week will be for make-ups and retesting only.
Be sure to turn in your library book and homework paper (sight word writing practice) every Friday and log in to ClassLink - Savvas/McGraw-Hill for your weekly online assignments. Also, please practice the sight words and flashcards that were given at our parent conference. Once your child can read the sight words, please send them back to school so that they can earn a sticker, a star on our chart, and take home their next set.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
October 13, 2023
Dear Families,
Our class did an awesome job at today's "Fun Run"! A BIG thanks to all our families that participated and helped support BRE, thank you for marking laps on shirts, and passing out water, we greatly appreciate you!!!
Our assessments next week will be a math test on comparing numbers to 10, questions on the main idea and key details of our pumpkin book, and retesting beginning sounds and syllables.
We were not able to go to the library today due to the Fun Run. Your child can keep the book they checked out last Friday for an extra week.
Be sure to turn in your homework paper (sight word writing practice) each Friday and log in to ClassLink - Savvas/McGraw-Hill for your weekly online assignments. Also, please practice the sight words and flashcards that were given to you at our parent conference. Once your child can read all ten sight words, please send them back to school so that they can earn a sticker, a star on our chart, and take home their next set of site words.I hope you have a fantastic weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
October 6, 2023
Dear Families,
On Monday your child took home a lanyard with an access code and fundraiser information. Pledges must be entered online for your child to receive prizes. Please log in and fill out the t-shirt size so that your child can receive a free shirt. We will wear our shirts on the day of our Fun Run - Friday, October 13th at 11:15 - 12:15.
Picture day is Wednesday, October 11th. You can purchase pictures online or send payment to school (please see flyer that was sent home earlier this week).Our testing next week will be a math test on numbers to 100 - including counting by tens and ones to 100. We will also be retesting number recognition.
Heads up - CVUSD is using a new math pacing guide and next week kindergarten students will be skipping to Topic 12. We will be going through Topics 12 through 16 before we go back to Topics 5 through 11.Be sure to turn in your library book and homework paper (sight word writing practice) on Friday and log in to ClassLink - Savvas/McGraw-Hill for your weekly online assignments. Also, please practice the sight words and flashcards that were given to you at our parent conference. Once your child can read the sight words, please send them back to school so that they can earn a sticker, a star on our chart, and take home their next set.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
September 29, 2023
Dear Families,It was great to see everyone at our parent conference. Please continue to practice the skills we discussed during our conference as part of your child's homework time.
Our assessments next week will be a Science test on primary/secondary colors and a Social Studies test on rules/S.T.A.R. expectations. We will also be retesting letters and sounds.
Please practice the flashcards that were given to you at our parent conference. When your child can read the orange sight words (all 10), please send them back to school so they can earn a sticker and a star on our chart.
Don't forget to turn in your library book and homework paper (sight word writing practice) on Friday and log in to ClassLink/Savvas/McGraw-Hill for your weekly online assignments that are due by Saturday.I hope to see you at Wild West Night tonight!
Mrs. Escobedo
September 22, 2023
Dear Families,
Parent conferences are next week. I am excited to meet with you!
Please be aware that BRE is on a minimum day schedule for parent conference week, which means our K dismissal will be extra crowded all week.
PM Kindergarten will start at 7:50 - 11:10 all week (just like a Thursday) Please plan accordingly!
Next Friday, September 29th, will be our annual BRE Wild West Night from 5-8. I hope everyone joins us for food, games and fun!Don't forget to turn in your library book and homework paper (letter writing practice) on Friday and log in to ClassLink/Savvas/McGraw-Hill for your weekly online assignments.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
September 15, 2023
Dear Families,Friday, September 22nd will be "APPLE DAY" in room #2. Please bring an apple to school on that day so that we can count, graph and taste the different types of apples.
Parent conference week will be September 25th through September 29th. Thank you for signing up! Every day that week is minimum days, please plan accordingly for your child to be dropped off for school with a healthy snack by 7:50 and picked up by 11:10 each day that week.Our annual BRE "Wild West Night" will be on Friday, September 29th. Please see the flyer that was sent home for details if you would like to pre-order a wrist band. They were sent home Wednesday!Don't forget to turn in your library book and homework paper (letter writing practice) every Friday and log in to ClassLink/Savvas/McGraw-Hill for your weekly online assignments that are DUE by Saturday, but assigned each Monday.Please email me if you have any questions, I hope you have a great weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
September 8, 2023
Dear Families,
Our monthly spirit day for September will be "Patriot Day" on Monday, September 11th - please wear red, white and blue.
Our in-class assessment for next week will be letter sounds, beginning sounds, and counting syllables.
Parent conference week will be September 25th through September 29th. If you haven't signed up yet, please look for the sign-up genius link I emailed yesterday to schedule your conference time.Please don't forget to turn in your library book and homework paper (letter writing practice) on Friday and log in to ClassLink/Savvas/McGraw-Hill for your weekly online assignments.
Mrs. Escobedo
September 1, 2023
Dear Families,Today was our first day to check out books at the BRE library. Please be sure to return library books by Friday each week so that your child can check out a new book.
If your child did not check out a book today it is because they were absent and or did not submit the green LIBRARY form that allows students to check out books from our school library.
Most students were assessed this week for their Upper and Lowercase letter recognition and our assessment for next week will be number recognition.
Thank you to those of you who turned in your name writing practice homework for the week as it was due today and please be sure to complete and submit the online homework by tomorrow that posted and was assigned as of the past Monday.
There will be no school on Monday, September 4th in honor of Labor day.
Our monthly spirit day for September will be "Patriot Day" on Monday, September 11th - please wear red, white and blue.
Please don't forget to turn in your homework paper on Friday and log in to ClassLink/Savvas/McGraw-Hill for your weekly online assignments, due to the holiday on Monday, next weeks new homework assignments will NOT post UNTIL Tuesday September 5 and due by September 9.
I hope you have a fantastic 3-day weekend,
Mrs. Escobedo
August 25, 2023
Dear Families,
It was great to see everyone at our "Back to School Night". I know I covered a lot of information, so please email me if you have any questions.We are 3 memberships away from winning our "Popsicle Party" If you have NOT purchased a PTA membership please do so over the weekend by going to my classroom page and scanning the QR code to take you directly to purchasing a membership.
If you have already purchased a membership or (several) THANK YOU so much for contributing to our PTA and our class popsicle party!! The membership funds go towards our school events such as Wild West Night, Father/Daughter Dance, Mother/Son Dance, fieldtrips, and more. Please go to the PTA tab in my classroom page, scan the QR code and purchase a membership TODAY if you have not already as we are only 3 NEW memberships away. Remember it is 50% of each class that earns the popsicle party and we only need 3 more to win!!
Wednesday, August 30th, will be our monthly spirit day "College Day" - wear college attire. Don't forget that every Friday is spirit day - wear BRE shirts or our school colors orange and blue.
Next week will be our first week of assessments. I will be testing students on uppercase and lowercase letters.A reminder to log in to ClassLink starting this Monday, August 28th for weekly homework assignments. We are using the Savvas/Easybridge app for math, and the McGrawHill/ConnectEd app for ELA homework. Also, don't forget to turn in your name writing practice on Friday.
I hope you have an awesome weekend,Mrs. Escobedo