• How to submit work:

    1.  Make sure you are in our Google Classroom.  At the top, you will see Stream, Classwork, and People. When you first enter Google Classroom, you will always be directed to the Stream first where any new content will appear. You will see announcements and important reminders here.

    2. To access your list of assignments to do for each day, click on "Classwork."

     Classwork Image

    3. Once you are in the Classwork tab, you will see a list of assignments to do for today. If you click on each assignment, the box will extend that will show the due date, directions for the assignment, and any Google Doc or Google form attached.

     Assignments Image


    4.  If you want to take a picture of something your child completed and submit that, click on the button under “Your work” that says  “+Add or create” 

    5.   Click on "File" and upload the picture (this only works if you send the picture to yourself and save it onto your device first). If you have the Google Classroom app on your phone, you can upload pictures of your child's work directly from your photos.  You can also use your Chromebook to take a picture and then save it on the computer.

    6. If the assignment has a Google Doc attached to it, click on the Google Doc. Once you have opened the Google Doc, complete the assignment. There is no need to click the "Save" button because Google Drive will save everything for you as you type. 


    Turn In Image

    7. Once you are finished uploading the picture of your work or when you are finished typing your answer on the Google Doc,  Click the “Turn in” button in the top right corner of the Google Doc.