MTSS B Counselor Rodriguez
Page Navigation
- Welcome/ Bienvenidos
- Staff/ Student/ Parent Request for Support
- Tier 1 Classroom Intervention/Resources
- Tier 2/ Tier 3 Intervention/Resources
- Care Solace
- Community Resources/Recursos en la Comunidad
- Second Step Curriculum
- Counseling Room Schedule
- Counselor's Corner Monthly Newsletter
- Coffee with the Counselor
- PBIS and Academic Outcomes
Community Resources
- Isaiah’s Rock
- Phone Number: 909-628-0966
- Location:
- 13031 7th St. Chino, CA 91709 (Hot Meals)
- 5201 D St. Chino, CA 91710 (Boxed Food)
- Hot Meals provided every day at 12PM & 5PM
- Boxed food distributed every Wednesday 9AM – 12PM
- Chino Neighborhood House
- Phone Number: 909-628-5608
- Location: 13130 6th Chino CA 91710
- Need to call to register to qualify for services
- CalFresh Benefits
- Apply for monthly food assistance
- Phone Number: 877-410-8829
- Location: 1627 E. Hold Blvd, Ontario, CA 91761
- Apply at
- San Bernardino County Public Library – Brain Fuse
- Students must have active library card to have access to tutoring services.
- The Harvey Mudd College Homework Hotline
- Over-the-phone mathematics & science tutoring services.
- Services for grades 4-12
- Call Toll-free: 877-827-5462
- Hours of operation: Sunday – Thursday / 6PM – 9PM
- Southcoast Community Services
- Phone number: 877-527-7227
- Location: 11780 Central Ave. Suite 205 Chino, CA 91710
- Hours of operation: Monday – Friday / 8:30AM – 5PM
- All appointments done by phone
- Global Teletherapy
- Online speech and mental health therapy
- Available 24 hours
- San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health
- Assistance for stress related to COVID-19 via text
- Phone Number: 909-535-1316
- Hours of operation: 7AM – 10PM
Financial Assistance
- United Way
- Apply online:
- Apply by calling 2-1-1
Transitional Housing
- CalWORKS Homeless Assistance
- Apply for a 16-day motel voucher
- Phone Number: 877-410-8829
- Location: 1627 E. Hold Blvd, Ontario, CA 91761
- Apply at
- Community Action Partnership, San Bernardino County
- Families & individuals can call directly to receive emergency homeless prevention assistance such as utility bill assistance, rental assistance, motel vouchers and food assistance.
- Phone Number: 909-723-1558
- More information at
- Keys Nonprofit
- Rapid re-housing program
- Families receiving CalWORKs or eligible for CalWORKs should speak with an eligibility worker. If the family qualifies, they will be referred to KEYS for intake and housing search and stabilization assistance.
- More info at
- Southern California Edison - California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) and the Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) programs
- “To help with financial challenges due to COVID-19, we are temporarily suspending disconnections and waive late payment charges for customers unable to pay their bill.”
- Apply to reduce monthly cost.
- Phone Number: 1-800-798-5723
- Apply online:
- Print application:
- More info at
- If you are having trouble paying your bill, we encourage you to contact our SCE Customer Contact Center to talk about a payment extension or arrangement.
- SoCalGas
- If household income has recently changed, you may now qualify for 20% off your natural gas bill with CARE
- Phone Number: 1-800-427-2200
- More info at
- Relief for Energy Assistance through Community Help (REACH)
- Once a year assistance with payment. Must have 15-day or a 48-hour disconnection notice and meet income guidelines.
- Call to apply: 1-800-933-9677