Mrs. D'Amato's TK Classroom

Hello TK Kids!
  • Welcome!

    Welcome to Mrs. D'Amato's TK Class!


    Contact Information:


    I am committed to responding to all parent emails within 24 hours on weekdays.

    Class Dojo is the quickest way to get in touch with me!  Please join! I will be handing out Dojo invites on the first day of school :)



    7:50-11:10 A.M. TK

    TK/Kinder Gates on Cyrpress Street will open from 7:40-7:50.  Please park and walk your child to the gate each morning.  No drop offs, as they are too young.  Do not drive in the drive-through because it is for buses and daycare vans ONLY.


    After the Arrival Gate is locked at 7:50, please park in the front parking lot and take your child to the front office for a tardy slip.  Someone will walk your child to class for you.

    After school, at 11:10, we will be at the Dismissal Door, which is around the corner on Clover Street. Please park in the neighborhood and line up on the grass against the playground wall, as I will be dismissing the students from that DOOR.  The large gate will be for the Kinder students only.  Any students not picked up by 11:20 will be taken to the office and parents/guardians will need to sign them out.  They MUST be listed on the Emergency Card or on Aeries and will need to provide I.D.  You may also message me on Class Dojo if you are running late, but I do not always check my phone during dismissal.


    Here's to a GREAT school year!