

                    Welcome to Mrs. Young's Fabulous 5th Grade  




                                                     Contact Information

                                     Email   Kathleen_Young@chino.k12.ca.us





                                              Daily Schedule


    7:50----------------------School begins

    755-8:15----------------Attendance, flag salute, and 




    10:18-12:10--------------Language Arts  (reading)



    1:20-1:30----------------Write homework in agenda

    1:30-2:20----------------Social studies/ Science

    2:20-2:30----------------Clean-up, dismissal




    Tuesdays/ Friday






























    *Assignments will be posted daily and/ or weekly in Google Classroom under the classwork tab.  Each 

     assignment will have a due date that you will be able to see in Google Classroom.  In  your Classlink you will use 

     several apps to help you: Mcgraw-Hill/ConnectEd (Wonders/ELA), Savvas EasyBridge (Math), Second Step (Social 

     awareness), IXL (Math),  Mystery Science (Science), Brain Pop Jr. (various subjects,) with Readworks (reading

     and comprehension), GoNoodle (PE), and Seesaw (various work/ subjects).  You will also find your Google 

     Classroom in your Classlinks.  




    Student work will be assigned and assessed through Google Classroom.  You may turn in work in the following ways:


    1.  Students may submit work by taking a picture of theircompleted work and send it to my email.

    2.  Students may submit work directly from a website such as Wonders (ELA) or Savvas (Math).

    3.  Students may submit work by using Seesaw (once it is up and running) with video,/ microphone/ picture/ written work.


    **ALL ASSIGNMENTS  will have a due date that you will be able to see in Google Classroom.  Assignments that have a number

     grade will be posted in a gradebook for progress reports and report cards.




    Feedback will be given in the form of # grades, emails, commentson Seesaw/Google Classroom.  Feedback will be given within a 

    few days of the assignment being due.  Assignments grades will be posted in gradebook.  Assignments done in Person and/ or

    ConnectEd may have instant feedback.

    Feedback will also be given with special certificates, awards, prizes, treats and words congradulating students on a job well done or improved through out the year.

                                                       Grading: 4 Point Rubric


    4-Extending=Student has an in-depth understanding of grade level performance standards expectedat this point in the year.

    3-Achieving=Student consistently meets grade level performance standards expected at this point in the year.

    2-Progressing=Student partially meets grade level standard expected at this point in the year.

    1-Beginning/ Standard Not Met=Student is not yet meeting grade level performance Standards expected at this point

      in the school year.

                             Grades will be posted on Areries