
    Welcome to Mrs. Millen's Intervention Class

    I'm looking forward to an amazing 2024-2025 school year!


    Important Dates: 

    *First day of school - Monday, August 5th

    *Back to School Night - Wednesday, August 28th

    (5:00pm - Learning Platforms Presentation in Multi-Purpose Room)

    (5:30-6:00 - Meet our PTA board and hear about our fundraisers)

    (6:00/6:30 - Class Presentations) & (Come meet Mrs. Millen in Room 6)

    *Read-A-Thon Fundraiser - August 28th - September 11th (Please help support our school)





    email: lori_millen@chino.k12.ca.us

    Room 6 (near the 1st grade building)