•  Google Classroom access.

    1) Click on the "ClassLink Access" tab to the left.

    Screenshot of the ClassLink Access tab

    2) Sign in to ClassLink.

    Screenshot of ClassLink login page


    3) Click on "Google Classroom".

    Screenshot with example of Google Classroom icon

    4) Log in and find your class. If you do not see your class, please contact your teacher. Your e-mail is your ARusername@stu.chino.k12.ca.us. Your password is your AR password.

    Screenshot of Google Classroom log in page

    5) Go to "Classwork", and click the "Meet" button directly under it.
         Please note that the Google Meet will only open once your teacher is there.

    Screenshot of an example of


    Contact Information
    Email: nicole_jester@chino.k12.ca.us


    Google Classroom Instructions

    Please click on the link HERE.


    If your child receives additional services please contact:
     (Resource Specialist)
    (Speech Pathologist)