Eagle Canyon News and Headlines
Student "One-Stop-Shop" Webpage
The safety and overall well-being of our students is a district priority, and CVUSD staff are excited to introduce a newly created “One-Stop-Shop” where students can access social, emotional, and mental health supports and safety resources! Together, we can provide a positive school climate for all CVUSD students. To learn more and access resources, please select “READ MORE.”
Data Confirmation
It is that time of year! It is time to update documents and information in our CVUSD data confirmation process.
Online Registration Now Available
If you are the parent/guardian of a student(s) you would like to enroll for the first time at CVUSD, you can now do most of the enrollment online! Click on the "Read More" hyperlink below to begin the online enrollment process. School site personnel will then contact you regarding further registration requirements. If you are unable to access the Internet or if you need assistance with the enrollment process, contact your school site. If you are the parent/guardian of a current student at CVUSD, no action is necessary until you receive more instructions from your school site.
Mrs. Bearden's Weekly Update
Every weekend, Mrs. Bearden sends home a weekly update to inform the Eagle Canyon community of campus news. She provides links to the day-by-day bulletin and other important links for easy-to-find information. To find the most current weekly update, please click on the About Us tab and click on Weekly Bulletin.
Kindergarten Readiness
To smooth the transition to kindergarten, have your child practice the skills highlighted in the PDF. Use the link below to access the Kindergarten Readiness Presentation shared in April.
Click for the PDF
Connect with our Eagle Canyon Administrators!
Would you like to connect with our outstanding school administrators? Families are always welcome to email Principal Bearden at Barbara_Bearden@chino.k12.ca.us and our Assistant Principal Jenkins at Jacqueline_Jenkins@chino.k12.ca.us