Welcome to Kindergarten!

  • What will your child need for the first day of school?

    • backpack
    • lunch bag
    • Water bottle

    Any other school supplies needed will be provided for them in the classroom. 

    Things to know: 

    • School starts at 8:00 am and all students enter through the same gate. Free Breakfast starts at 7:30 am. At 7:40 am, students can start 100 mile club. 100 mile club is a walking or running program to encourage students to exercise. On the first day of school, we will meet the kindergarten students at the gate as they walk in. 
    • Dismissal is at 11:20 am everyday. Kindergarten students are dismissed from the kindergarten gate. Adults must stay outside the gate and wait for their child to walk to them. Your child must wait to be dismissed by me so I can verify who's picking him/her up. 
    • The cafeteria does not provide lunch for the kindergarten students. Please make sure to pack them a lunch and a water bottle. 
    • Make sure all your child's belongings are labeled with their name. 
    • Homework is sent home on Monday and due back on Friday. 
    • Classwork is sent home daily in their classwork folder. Parents should clear out the folder nightly. 

    Classroom wish list:

    • small water bottles
    • Disinfecting wipes
    • baby wipes
    • cardstock paper
    • clip boards
    • amazon gift cards

    More detailed information will be provided at the Kindergarten Orientation in August  in the MPR.