• Syllabus

    ClassLink access can be found at the top of all district pages under the "Students tab". You can also click on the link from our class page in the "ClassLink Acces" tab. In ClassLink students will have access to ConnectEd/McGraw-Hill for Language Arts, Savvas/EasyBridge for Math, and other educational apps. 

    Google Meet
    Your child will participate in weekly Google Meet assessments (students will be given appointment times to meet with teacher individually). I will use this time to test and/or tutor each student.

    * Kindergarten students will attend school 7:50-11:10 a.m. Monday through Friday.
    * Attendance will be taken within the first 5 minutes of class.
    * Your child will be required to attend and complete classwork daily.
    * If possible, please let me know in advance If your child is unable to attend and call the office to clear the absence.

    Assignments/Homework/Submitting Student Work
    * Assignments will be completed during class daily. 
    * We will grade some assignments together during instruction.
    * Homework will go home on Friday and needs to be returned by the following Friday. Online homework assignments will be submitted through ClassLink, using Savvas (for MATH homework) and McGraw-Hill (for ELA homework).       Please be sure to click the "submit button" after completing each online assignment.

    * Online assignments in McGraw-Hill and Savvas Math may have instantaneous feedback. 
    * Most classwork will have instant feedback and will be sent home daily. Feedback will also be provided by teacher during our assessment appointments.
    * If there is an area of concern, I will reach out to discuss the concern with the child's parent.

    * Student will be given assessment appointment times to meet with teacher individually.
    * Assessments will be assigned at the end of units/topics.
    * Assessments will be assigned both online and during live instruction.

    Grades will be based on a combination of assessment scores, classwork and homework. Students will receive a 4, 3, 2, or 1 on their report cards (sent home every trimester). Progress reports will also be sent home.
    4 - Excelling: The student demonstrates independence and extends grade level standards.
    3 - Achieving: The student demonstrates adequate understanding of and ability to apply skills to meet grade level standards.
    2 - Progressing: The student partially meets grade level standards.
    1 - Beginning: The student is not yet meeting grade level standards.

    Suggested Academic Activities:

    -Practice counting to 100 by ones, fives and tens
    -Identify and write numbers 0-20 and tens to 100
    -Count out 20 objects
    -Add and subtract numbers through ten

    ELA: Reading/Writing/Listening & Speaking
    -Read books every day - grade level books can be found in McGraw-Hill
    -Identify letter sounds, letter names and practice writing each upper and lowercase letter
    -Practice writing your name correctly (first letter uppercase, the rest lowercase); Write simple sentences
    -Listen to a story (books through McGraw-Hill, videos, someone reading a book to you, etc.)
    -Speaking ideas: discuss stories (characters, setting, events), talk about daily activities, sing songs, recite verses and poetry

    -Discuss today's day, month and season

    -Observe and discuss today's weather

    P.E./MUSIC/ART extras
    -Get moving every day: walk, run, jump, dance, skip, hop, throw and catch. Check out kid exercise videos @GoNoodle
    -Listen, sing and dance along to your favorite songs
    -Draw, color and/or paint pictures


Last Modified on July 31, 2023