• Distance Learning Syllabus


    Assignments be posted for the week in Google Classroom.

    We will be using Google Classroom as our main platform.

    The apps in ClassLink that the students will be using are Connect Ed (Wonders) Savvas (Math) and Seesaw


    Assessments will be determined. 



    Students will get feedback through Google Classroom and email. 




    Parents will be notified of progress through ESGI Formal Assessment Report.



    Live Sessions via Zoom/Google Meet

    8:15 - 9:05: ELA

    • Synchronous (real time instruction): calendar, phonics, reading selection, writing
    • Asynchronous (self-guided, additional support) : Drawing a picture, construction of a sentence on reading selection, writing

    9:05 - 9:20 Movement/ PE

    9:20 - 9:55: Science/Social Studies

    • Synchronous (real time instruction) read text selection
    • Asynchronous (self- guided, additional support): Drawing a picture, construction a sentence on reading
      • While students are completing asynchronous activities, DELD instruction occurs

    9:55 - 10:00: BREAK 

    10:10 - 11:00: Math

    • Synchronous : Whole group instruction
    • Asynchronous (Self-guided, additional support); using manipulatives

    11:00 - 11:15: SECOND STEP

    If a student can not make it to Google Meets class, they should go to Google Classroom and see what was missed for the day.

    Office Hours

    Our virtual office hours are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.

    I am available during my virtual office hours for questions. During my office hours, I will be on a Google Meet from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. for students to pop-in.