Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
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January 2025 Newsletter Update
Twenty-eight students have benefited from a Tier 2/3 small group or CICO service with a success rate of 90%.
32 K-3 students have completed PALS, a Tier 2 Intervention program. Fifteen additional students are enrolled in PALS as a preventative service in the spring.
The Tier 2 team has conducted 39 STEP meetings and nine threat screenings executed by our counselors and administrators.
Tier 3 Therapeutic Services provided by Chino Human Services and Behavioral Health has serviced twenty students.
The Wellness Room/Pablo's Den has provided services to four hundred students.
Our PBIS practices continue to have a positive impact on attendance, discipline, and academic success, with a current YTD attendance rate of 95% for K-8 students, and 99% of students having 0-1 ODR school-wide. This academic year has seen zero suspensions and zero expulsions.
Elementary Data
Junior High Data
October 2024 Newsletter Update
Lyle S. Briggs K-8 has been recognized by the California PBIS Coalition for successful PBIS implementation at the Platinum level. This is the second consecutive year we have earned this distinguished award. This reflects excellence in the implementation of the core features of PBIS.
MTSS-B Tidbits
· As a part of our Elementary PBIS Tier 1 Program, Dr. Linenberger, our K-6 MTSS-B counselor delivered 18 elementary Healthy Minds lessons in August and September to all elementary students/classes. Students were engaged and participatory while learning coping strategies and what it means to have a Healthy Mind and incorporating our schoolwide expectations: Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be Safe.
· Our PALS (Positive Actions for Life Success) is a Tier 2 Intervention Program that we have been also offering as a Tier 1 Prevention Program. This is our 3rd year offering this to kinder students and we are thankful for our kindergarten teacher support. PALS is once again off to a great start targeting our youngest learners, our Kinder students, as a preventative program! PALS will again be offered in the spring to our K-3 students, inclusive of all kinder students not yet served during the fall and offered to our 1st-3rd grade students as a Tier 2 Intervention.
· Our MTSS-B Tier 2/3 intervention groups and Check In, Check Out have begun and will focus on a CASEL strategy paired with a schoolwide expectation. There are currently 10 JH students receiving Tier 2/3 counseling services. There are currently 21 K-6 students receiving Tier 2/3 counseling services.
· Our Tier 3 Therapeutic Services provided by Chino Human Services and Behavioral Health have also begun. Currently, there are 5 JH students and 7 K-6 students benefiting from services at this level.
· Mrs. Borgogno, our JH MTSS-B Counselor and JH Academic Counselor delivered Healthy Minds lesson in September to every student during their Physical Education Class. Students were taught about identifying their feelings, using coping skills, and asking for help. Also emphasized is that there is always a trusting adult on campus that students may turn to as needed.
· Our MTSS-B Counselors were able to survey our parents and families at Back to School Night regarding PBIS and received great feedback. 96% of our families believe PBIS has benefited their students.
· Our Wellness Center, known to the kids as Pawblo’s Den is now open! Some items students can find at the Wellness Center are aromatherapy diffusers, art utensils, board games, brain puzzles, coloring sheets, mindfulness books, stress balls, and word search sheets.
February 2024 Newsletter update
Our school continues to implement MTSS-B Tier 2/3 intervention groups that focus on CASEL strategies alongside school-wide expectations. Currently, 36 students are benefiting from Tier 2/3 small group or CICO services with a success rate of 97%. Additionally, our K-3 students have access to PALS, a Tier 2 Intervention program with 15 students receiving prevention services, while 17 students are receiving intervention services. The Tier 2 team has conducted 42 STEP meetings and three threat screenings executed by our counselors and administrators. Since its inception in October, our Wellness Room/Pablo's Den has provided services to 316 students. Our PBIS practices have a positive impact on attendance, discipline, and academic success, with a current YTD attendance rate of 96.2% for K-8 students, and 99% of students having 0-1 ODR school-wide. This academic year has seen only two suspensions and zero expulsions for disciplinary reasons. Lastly, 93% of JH students have a 2.0 GPA or higher.