Course Description

  • We will be exploring several different scientific ideas, such as evolution, energetics, information storage and transmission, and systems interactions. I will be here to help guide and support you every step of the way! My goal for this classroom is to have you engage with the different scientific concepts we will be discovering using inquiry-based learning and peer collaboration/communication. Advanced Placement Biology is the equivalent of a two-semester college introductory biology course for biology majors and is designed to prepare students for the AP Biology Exam. Emphasis is on experiencing science as an exploratory process, the development of critical thinking skills, and integration of biological knowledge and science practices through inquiry-based activities and laboratory investigations.


  • Recommended Materials

    • 1-2 inch binder and dividers
    • Various colored pens/pencils
    • Various colored highlighters
    • Scientific Calculator

AP Biology Syllabus

  • Important Websites

    Note: Google Classroom and AP Classroom codes will be given during the first week of school