• Newman pencils rock           

    Welcome to Ms. Nelson's Distance Learning Classroom 
    please go to Google Classroom for daily virtual class and assignments

    contact information: linda_nelson @ chino.k12.ca.us

    Newman number: (909) 627-9758


    Virtual office hours: Wed. 1:00PM-2:00PM

    You can email me at "linda_nelson@chino.k12.ca.us" or classDojo or call meat (909) 627-9758

    (I am committed to responding to all student and parent emails within 24 hours on weekdays)

    5th Grade Blended Learning Schedule

    Cohort A

    In school Monday & Thurrsday 8:40-3:20

    At home Blue googgle classroom Tuesday & Friday

    Cohort B

    In school Tuesday & Friday

    At home Blue google classroom Monday & Thursday

    Minimum Day Wednesday

    All students meet Virtually at 8:40 in the Blue classroom





    Math: Savvas

    ELA: McGraw Hill 

    Science: Houghtin Miflin

    Social Science: Harcourt

    For assignments on days at home go to Google Classroom 



    Expectations and Goals

    Students will submit all classwork and assessments on a daily basis. Students should use the classlink to find assignments in Google classroom. All assignments are expected to be submitted by the due date, and will receive teacher feedback/grades via google Classroom.

    Required materials

    Students will need to use a computer or chrome book with an internet connection to complete and submit classwork. They will also need:

    binder paper                   1 pack ditto paper                         glue sticks

    high lighters                   dry erase markers                         scissors

    blue or black pens           pencils                                          5 spiral nootbooks   

    Crayons                          erasers                                        small white board or page protector

     ruler                                                                                  with white paper in it




    How to Access Google Classroom at Home 


    Instructions for the first day of school: 

    1. Visit the Newman Website: https://www.chino.k12.ca.us/Newman
    2. Locate the STUDENTS tab.
    3. Scroll to find the CLASSLINK ACCESS tab.
    4. log in to your ClassLink accout using your username and password. (It may be a good idea to practice logging in prior to Monday.)
    5. In ClassLink, click on the "Google Classroom" app. Google Classroom
    6. Click on the classroom titled  "Nelson" 5th grade 2020-2021"
    7. On the top left, please click "Meet Link". This will take you directly to our live instruction on Google Meets.
    8. Live instruction begins at 8:40am. 
    9. Google classroom code is "poueth6"

    Rules and Expectations


    -don't distract others on the screen

    -wear appropriate clothes follow district dress code (No hats, Pajamas, Spaghetti straps) 


    -mic on mute

    -use chat to ask questions

    -no personal chatswith other classmates


    -be online at required times                               -eat during breaks only

    -be prepared with all necessary suplies               -keep power cord plugged in

    -have a designated, quiet area to work

    -have camera on at all times

    -stay in view of the camera at all times (unless given permission to leave)



    points earned daily for following rules

         -Points used for End of the Month Activities (last Friday of the month)

           100 points to participate in 

                 -student vs. teacher Prodigy game


                 -at home scavenger hunt

         -points for coupons

                -show & tell                                10 points

                -lunch with the teacher                20 points

                -15 minute chat with a friend       50 points


    points lost daily for misbehaving, breaking rules or leaving the screen

         -points lost

                -loose 5 if leave screen for any reason (bathroom, supplies etc.)

    *Timer will be set for 5 minutes if student needs to leave the screen for any reason


                -lose 1 for verbal warning

                -lose 3 for second offence

                -lose 6 for third offence

                -lose 20 for fourth offence, parent conference and office referal 






    FREE eBook and Audio Books 1. Visit LA County library website and create a digital library card account 2. Download Libby App on iPhone/iPad or Android 3. When it asks for library name, type in LA County Library 4. Enter your library card # (it takes about 8 hours to get it in your email) 5. From here, you will have access to ALL eBooks and Audio Books that the library has! You can check out 14 books at a time. Some of the more popular books have a wait, so make sure if it is something your child wants to read that you place a hold on it. 6. When your child is done reading or listening to the book, you just click Return Loan!






Cougar Notes