•                    (Haga clic en "Traducir" en la esquina superior derecha de la parte superior de esta pantalla para ver otros idiomas).

                                                                           Welcome to Mrs. Kay’s Classroom      Mrs. Kay's Virtual Classroom  


                I am committed to responding to all emails within 24 hours on weekdays.


         Daily/Weekly Homework


    The schedule below for the Weekly Homework packet (found in the Homework folder) is only suggested. However, it may be completed at your own pace as long as it is completed and turned in Friday morning. (Please use any lined paper to practice the spelling words; 2 times a day = total 4 practice pages).  The spelling words are on the picture of a pencil on the cover page.  Math Homework (found in the Homework folder) is completed and returned daily. 

    Please try your best to assist your child in completing and returning their homework neatly, completely, and on time. Please do not do it for them.  If it is too difficult or there is another reason why they couldn't complete it on time, please write your initials at the top of each page. That way, they will not receive a ticket for not turning in their homework on time.


    October 3 - 7rd(ELA- Unit 2 - Week 2

    Be sure to read each day for at least 20 minutes and study your addition and subtraction facts for at least 5-10 minutes a day.  You can use Freckle, AR, and other APPs on your APP page to achieve these Daily Goals as well as flashcards or other websites.

    Monday -   Weekly Packet (1st and 2nd pages) (1 page of spelling 2 times each)  

                      Math (Newsprint paper) 3-3

    Tuesday -  Weekly Packet (3rd - 5th pages) (1 page of spelling 2 times each)  

                      Math (Newsprint paper) 3-4

    Wednesday-Weekly Packet  (1 page of spelling 2 times each) 

                    Math (Newsprint paper) 3 -5

    Thursday- Weekly Packet (1 page of spelling 2 times each).  Review and make sure all pages in your packet                    are completed neatly and correctly) The packet needs to be turned in Friday morning.

                       Math (Newsprint paper) 3-6

                     Study for Tests on the appropriate day (many but not all will be on Friday)

    There are 3 additional homework pages at the end of the packet.  These pages are optional for now.  






    What to Bring to School 

    1. Backpack

    3. "Homework" folder and red "Cortez" folder with homework assigned for that day

    5. Soft pencil case/pouch pencils, erasers, dry erase makers

    6. Water bottle, mask, sweater (our room can be cool)

    7. white, lined paper placed in the "Homework" folder to be used for spelling homework etc... 

    *Please make sure any personal items listed above are clearly marked with your name.


    Regular Day Schedule                                   Minimum Day Schedule (Tuesday)


    7:50 - 9:35:  English Language Arts/DELD                       7:50 -  8:30:     ELA/DELD

    9:35 - 9:48:  Recess                                                           8:30 - 9:30 :    ELA

    9:50 - 10:50: Math                                                             9:30 - 10:00 :  Lunch    

    10:50 - 11:30: Lunch                                                         10:00 - 11:20:   Math

    11:30 - 12:30:   ELA/Math                                                   11:20:  Dismissal                                                      

    12:30  -  1:20:   Small Group Instruction                            

    1:20 -   1:33:    Recess

    1:35 -   2:20:    Social Studies/Science

    2:20 - 2:30:     Prepare for Home

    2:30:  Dismissal




    Parents and Students, please check the ANNOUNCEMENT page for the most up to date information