Cal Bears Classroom Procedures
Classroom Norms
- Be organized and neat
- Maintain order on and around your workspace
- Maintain an organized cubby
- Respect personal space
- Be aware of other’s physical, emotional, and auditory space
- Be honest
- Communicate every day
- Raise your hand when you have a question
- Ask for clarification when you’re uncertain of a task/assignment
- Respect one another
- We’re all learners with individual needs that might be different than others.
- Take risks
- Be willing to try new ideas/activities
- Earn time to leave early for recess and lunch
- Table points and weekly prizes
- Deep thinkers are rewarded with a separate weekly raffle
- Increased reading level
- Increased grades
- 5th Grade readiness
- Career readiness
If a student is not following our classroom expectations, he/she will…
- Be reminded of expectations
- Moved, if appropriate or pull a pink slip – Official Warning
- Pull a 2nd pink slip – Signature by parents
- Pull a 3rd pink slip – call home from the classroom
- Pull a 4th pink slip – Time out and phone call from Miss Cu and a referral to the office
Steps may be skipped depending on severity of disruption.
I understand and agree to follow the Cal Bears classroom expectations.
Student Signature: ______________________________ Date:_____________
- Be organized and neat