• Four Corners

    This is a classic that we loved when I was a kid, too. Each corner of the room gets numbered, from 1 to 4. The teacher is “it” for the first round. The “it” person closes their eyes and counts out loud to 10 while everyone else chooses a corner of the room to go to. Before opening their eyes, the “it” person calls out a number from 1 to 4. Everyone in that corner is out. Play continues until only one person remains, and that person becomes “it” for the next round.


    ·   Balloon Volleyball

    This one’s an oldie, but a goodie. Blow up a balloon, and have everyone sit in a circle. Toss the balloon up in the air, and bat it around the area, trying to keep it from touching the ground. I go with a “no rules” approach on this one, but if you find you need them, you can make a few rules to keep students calm enough for indoors.


    ·   Indoor Hopscotch

    Use painter’s tape to create a hopscotch board on your floor. Have students toss a soft ball or even a ball of paper instead of a rock. (Be warned, you’ll probably have to teach them how to play!)


    • Chair Hat Toss

    Think of this as an indoor version of horseshoes. As simple as it is, though, it’s remarkably entertaining past-time that teaches kids to throw.

    Prep Time: 1 Minute

    Realistic Time It Will Entertain a Child: 10-15 minutes

    How to Set Up: Turn over a kitchen chair so that its legs stick up. Find a hat — baseball is best but winter and cowboy work.

    How To Play: Try to throw the hat onto the legs of the chair. That’s it. Want to complicate it a bit? Give each leg a point value. Now we’re learning about counting (but mostly just throwing a hat around). If kids are super into it, have them make DIY rings out of rope or cardboard.


    • GoNoodlehelps teachers and parents get kids moving with short interactive activities.



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