Bonayon, Kristyn - OT
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Distance Learning Expectations for All Students:
Be Respectful
- Use kind words
- Engage in positive and ethical behavior online
- Do your job that means complete your work as assigned
- Keep food away from Technology
- Use approved Websites
- Practice Ditital Citizenship
- Mute your mic on Video Chats when someone is speaking
- Raise your hand and wait to be called on
- Do not talk until you are called on, then unmute your mic
Be Responsible
- Do your own work
- Complete your own work to the best of your ability
- Turn in your work on time
- Be honest
- Only use district issued device for academics
- Work to the best of your ability
- Follow all directions
- Use complete sentences & correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling
- Label work with name/date
- Be organized
- Get help when needed
- Use appropriate online sources
- Use message and/or comment features appropriately- academic purposes only
Be Safe
- Wash hands regularly before and after using the laptop
- Wear a mask around others not in your family
- Cover your cough
- Limit sharing of technology
- Return borrowed device in the condition you received it
- Use appropriate language
- Go to teacher/parent approved sites only Ask parent/teacher for permission
- Students will be expected to engage and complete activities during OT sessions to the best of their ability with and without parent assistance.