

Degrees and Certifications:


I would recommend for parents and guardians to take some time , WITH YOUR CHILD, 

to look through their graded assignments from the week.


 I usually grade assignments within a day or two, and you can see their

 score and comments on how they did. 


This is how the grading goes on assignments:

4 = Your child is doing great & they are extending and excelling in the 3rd grade standard.
3 = Your child is doing all right & they are achieving the 3rd grade standard.
2 = Your child is progressing in the standard, but they are NOT meeting the 3rd grade standard.
1 = Your child is beginning with the standard, but they are NOT meeting the 3rd grade standard.

You want to see 3's and 4's as scores in their work to know that they are doing the

 work expectedof a third grader.