Lipsey, Janice
Page Navigation
- Virtual Back to School Night - Wed. September 8, 2021
- My Google Class Codes & Meet Links
- My Office Hours & Contact Info.
- School Schedule & Attendance
- ClassLink and Email Access
- Distance Teaching and Learning Classroom Expectations
- Integrated Math 2 Syllabus
- Integrated Math 3 Syllabus
- Study Skills Class Syllabus
My students will receive EXTRA CREDIT if a parent/guadian/older sibling is able to attend.
The schedule tonight is as follows (each period is only 10 minutes don't be late!):
1st: 6:00 - 6:10
2nd: 6:15 - 6:25
3rd: 6:30 - 6:40
4th: 6:45 - 6:55
5th: 7:00 - 7:10
6th: 7:15 - 7:25
Click here to to get to our Virtual Back to School Night!
Or you can manually input the information on > Join a Meeting
Meeting ID: 939 8411 3715
Passcode: Room21