Discipline Ladder & Defined Behaviors
Problem Behavior Definitions
(Litel staff developed the following definitions based on our Discipline Ladder)
- Excessive Talking: talking leads to work not getting done, talking during tests, seeking attention, blurting out, talking during instruction, talking over others, still talking after reminders to stop
- Lack of Effort: ignoring directions, refusing to do work, not filling out agenda, rushing through work, lack of quality, sloppy, not completing work, no accountability
- Disrespectful: writing on/taking others’ belongings, destroying materials, interrupting, non-compliance, making noises, foul language, chewing gum, saying no, rolling eyes, yelling, arguing, teasing, demeaning others, invading personal space, going in “slow motion”
- Disturbing Others: talking, making noises, yelling, interrupting, not keeping hands to self, not being mindful of personal space, whining, tantrums, digging through toolbox/supply box, getting out of seat without permission
- Inattentive: needs constant reminders, unengaged, distracting self, unaware of what is going on, daydreaming, playing with things, non-responsive, doodling, not following directions
- Defiance: leaving the classroom without permission, disrespectful, refusal, ignoring, willfully disobeying, non-compliant
- Inappropriate Language: disrespectful language that is infrequent, unintentional, indirect, individual
- Abusive Language: foul/disrespectful language that is repeated, bullying, intentional, direct, hurtful
- Harassment: taking others’ items, verbal abuse, repeatedly asking questions, kicking items, poking, making fun of others, consistently bothering others, intruding personal space, not letting others work, pushing, calling names, stepping on feet in line