What is the California School Dashboard?
The California School Dashboard (Dashboard) is an online tool that shows how local educational agencies and schools are performing on state and local indicators that are included in California's school accountability system. Built on the foundations of the Local Control Funding Formula state law, the Dashboard is one of several significant shifts that have occurred in California’s K–12 education system within the past decade, which includes the establishment of a new testing system, raising the bar for student learning, and promoting equity for all students.
Why was the Dashboard created?
The Dashboard was created to give parents and the public a complete picture of what is happening in our schools and districts and to identify those that need extra support. The Dashboard is a component of the Local Control Funding Formula law passed in 2013 that significantly changed how California provides funding to public schools and holds local educational agencies accountable for student performance. The same law also required the California State Board of Education to adopt a new accountability tool that reflects performance in different priority areas, which are now known as the state and local indicators reported on the Dashboard.
What information does the Dashboard include?
The Dashboard is made up of easy-to-use, searchable reports that show local educational agency, school, and student group performance on six state indicators and five local indicators (seven for county offices of education).