Legacy Parliament PTO
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- Preside over all Legacy Parliament PTO meetings (board, general membership, and special meetings).
- Act as an ex-officio member of all committees including the School Site Council.
- Is (1) one of the (3) three co-signers on all checking and savings accounts held in the name of the Legacy Parliament PTO.
- Prepare agendas for all meetings (board, general membership, and special meetings).
- Oversee and coordinate the work of the board officers and committee chairs of the organization so that the mission, policies, and by-laws may be promoted.
- Oversee procedure books for each board member and committee chair positions and turn over all procedure books to the incoming President for distribution to the incoming board.
- Approve and sign all contracts that the Legacy Parliament PTO enters into.
Vice President:
- Acts as aide to the President and shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of the President to fulfill their duties.
- Is (1) one of (3) three co-signers on all checking and savings accounts held in the name of the Legacy Parliament PTO.
- Serves as coordinator of all volunteers.
- Act as an ex-officio member of at least (3) three committees.
- Keep an accurate record of all Legacy Parliament PTO meetings in a notebook, which is to be a legal record of the organization.
- Be prepared to refer to the minutes of previous meetings.
- Record all expenditures and motions in the minutes.
- Prepare a list of all unfinished business for the use of the President.
- Keep a current list (including e-mail and phone number) of all members of the board and chairs of committees.
- Keep a current copy of the paid members of the organization.
- Keep a current copy of the bylaws in the Secretary notebook.
- Keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements.
- Make payments in accordance with the adopted budget as authorized by the board.
- Receive all monies for the Legacy Parliament PTO and make deposits into the bank account(s).
- Present a financial report detailing all activities of income, expenditures, and adjustments of changes at each board and general membership meeting.
- Prepare and file the organization’s tax returns.
- Chair the annual budget committee, in which the Vice President of Fundraising, Vice President of Programs, Vice President of Events, Secretary, and Principal prepare a budget for the upcoming school year to be presented to the board and approved by the members at the May general meeting.
- Be a member of any fundraising committee.
- Contact the bank and secure the signatures of all authorized signers on all accounts. The authorized signers shall not be related by blood or marriage or reside in the same household.
- Is (1) one of (3) three co-signers on all checking and savings accounts held in the name of the Legacy Parliament PTO.
- Secure (2) two signatures on all checks.
- Make sure that there are always 2 other people counting money with the treasurer.
- Prepare books for audit in January and June of each year.
- Prepare a semi-annual budget report detailing all income and expenditures from each budget line.
VP of Fundraising:
- Attend all meetings (board, membership, and special) and provide a report on each of their committees.
- Supervise and assist all Committee Chairs and the activities that fall under their position.
- Make sure a board member or the committee chair member and (1) other member are present when any monies are counted.
- Establish a (1) one-year plan for the activities that fall under their position based on the goals and budget set by the board. This plan shall be presented to the board at the September board meeting.
VP of Programs:
- Attend all meetings (board, membership, and special) and provide a report on each of their committees.
- Supervise and assist all Committee Chairs and the activities that fall under their position.
- Establish a (1) one-year plan for the activities that fall under their position based on the goals and budget set by the board. This plan shall be presented to the board at the July board meeting.
VP of Events:
- Attend all meetings (board, membership, and special) and provide a report on each of their committees.
- Supervise and assist all Committee Chairs and the activities that fall under their position.
- Make sure a board member or the committee chair member and (1) other member are present when any monies are counted.
- Establish a (1) one-year plan for the activities that fall under their position based on the goals and budget set by the board. This plan shall be presented to the board at the July board meeting.
- Attend all meetings (board, general, and special) and give necessary advice on parliamentary procedure when requested.
- Advise officers on bylaws and keep updated amendments to bylaws as approved by the members.
- Audit the books and all financial records of the Legacy Parliament PTO semi-annually in January and July.
- Audit the books and all financial records upon the resignation of the Treasurer or at any other time deemed necessary by the board.
- Presents audit report at the (1st) first meeting of the school year and the (1st) first general meeting after the audit is done in January.
- Keep an accurate inventory of all items purchased by or donated to the Legacy Parliament PTO.
- Distribute a copy of these bylaws to each board member and make available a copy to any member upon request.