Headlines & Features
Student "One-Stop-Shop Webpage
The safety and overall well-being of our students is a district priority, and CVUSD staff are excited to introduce a newly created “One-Stop-Shop” where students can access social, emotional, and mental health supports and safety resources! Together, we can provide a positive school climate for all CVUSD students. To learn more and access resources, please select “READ MORE.”
K12 School Quality Survey
Beginning January 20, the K12 School Quality Survey will be available for CVUSD parents/guardians, students, and staff to complete. If you would like to submit your feedback about academic and student support, school leadership, safety and behavior, family involvement, and more, please complete your survey by February 21. Select "Read More" to access the parent/guardian and student surveys.
The Owl's Nest Community Newsletter
Click here to read the latest issue of The Owl's Nest, Legacy Academy's Community Newsletter.
2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration
2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration begins on January 16th. Click the headline for dates, times, and registration requirements. (click the headline for more information)
2024-2025 New Student Registration
We are now enrolling NEW K-8 students for the 24-25 school year. After completing the Aeries online registration process, email for a registration appointment. (click the headline for more information)
Arrival & Dismissal Maps
Please click the headline to access the maps for arrival and dismissal. A map showing the safe pathways to walk off campus is also posted. Left turns are not permitted in or out of the parking lots. Please remember to drive slow, watch for pedestrians, and follow the directions of staff members.
CVUSD Family Engagement Center
The Family Engagement Center is a very friendly place where workshops and academies are provided for staff, parents, and community members. To view what is offered monthly, click on the Calendar of Workshops link here: https://www.chino.k12.ca.us/Page/8882.
Community Partners
We are thankful for the community partners who continue to support Legacy Academy. They help promote optimism, wonder, leadership, and success with our students! Click for more information and ways to give back to our community partners.
We are delighted to share that the Chino Valley Unified School District will be opening Legacy Academy beginning the 2024-2025 school year. This brand-new, state-of-the-art facility will benefit K-8 students living within The Preserve at Chino area as the District continues to support the growth of The Preserve community.
Please be sure to visit our website and social media accounts to stay connected with the latest news, updates, and events leading up to our school’s opening. You can currently find Legacy Academy on Facebook and Instagram @LegacyAcademyCVUSD.
Upcoming Events
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Track Practice
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PBIS Family Bingo Night