
    Regular attendance is essential to school success. Please be familiar with the following policies regarding your student’s attendance. Feel free to contact the Attendance Clerk with any questions 909-464-9938.
    The only excused absences/tardies are for illness, medical appointments, death in the immediate family, or court appearance, (if documentation is provided). Absences for other reasons may be cleared by administration with prior written request.
    **Absences over 10 days in a school year will require verification from a medical professional (Doctor’s note) or from the school ‘s Health Technician or School Nurse. Students with excessive absences or tardies may be referred to the School Attendance Review Team (SART) or School Attendance Review Board (SARB).  Parents/Guardians will be notified by letter when a meeting is required.
    Parents/Guardians have 5 school days to verify absences via phone, written note, email or online report. After 5 days, a student will be considered truant.
    To Report an Absence a Parent or Guardian may:
    1. Call our office 909-464-9938
    2. Report an Absence online (must be logged into our website)
    3. Send a note in with the student upon their return to school. The note must include the reason for the absence, the student’s full name & grade, the date of the absence, and the parent’s name and signature.
    4. Email the Attendance Clerk (with the same information as above) through the About Us section of the website.
    Student arriving to school more than 30 minutes late will need to be signed-in by a parent or guardian. A doctor’s note or a note from a parent can be used in place of a parent sign-in.
    • Students may only be signed out by a parent/ guardian or other relative listed on the student’s Emergency Information Card. A valid state issued ID must also be presented.
    • Students returning after being signed out for a health appointment are requested to provide an appointment verification slip or doctor’s note from the health care provider upon their return. If none is provided, a parent must sign the student back in.
    • Attendance laws and regulations apply to students being signed-in late and being signed out early.
    • Students cannot be pulled out of class early for pick-up. The student must first be signed out and a State issued ID must be presented.
    • A student is considered tardy when he/she is not in his/her seat when the class bell rings.
    • Students arriving after school has started must report to the Attendance Clerk.
    • Students arriving to school more than 30 minutes late need to be signed-in by a parent/guardian unless a parent note or doctor’s note is presented.
    Students that are tardy to any period will be issued a lunch-time academic recover the following day to recover the academic time that they missed when they were late to class. During this time, students will be in a study hall environment and will have the opportunity to complete homework/classwork, will be asked to summarize an article addressing the importance of instructional time or given an alternate assignment. Note: students will received warnings for their first two tardies to class in each trimester and not have to serve A.R.T.
    Appeal Process: If a student wants to appeal their tardy, they are to report to the office. Theattendance clerk or administrator will have a conversation with the student and determine if their concern is valid. If they believe the appeal is valid, they will collect the students ART slip and release the student to lunch pending further verification.

    *Students that do not show up during their assigned ART time will be assigned a 40 minute after school detention.

    Absences less than 3 days: Please utilize the teachers’ class pages on the website to view posted work or email the teachers directly.
    Absences of 3 days of more: Parents/Guardians may request homework by calling the office. Requests received before 9AM will be available for pick-up between 2:30- 4PM. Requests after that time may not be available until the next school day.
    INDEPENDENT STUDY REQUESTS  (through March 21st Only)
    Students who know in advance that they are going to miss between 5 – 20 school days are encouraged to notify the Attendance Clerk. An Independent Study Contract is available through March 21st of the current school year. Independent Study will ensure that all days missed will be considered excused absences if the student completes the pre-established work designated by each teacher for credit.
    To Request Independent Study:
    • Parent shall request an appointment with the Attendance Clerk before or after school for both parent and student to sign the Independent Study Contract, at least 10 days prior to absence.
    • The Independent Study Coordinator shall request work from teachers and have a work packet available for student pick up the school day prior to the first day of Independent Study.
    • Student shall submit completed work to the Attendance Clerk in the morning on the first day of return to school. No late work is accepted.
    Per California Education Code, any student who has three or more unexcused absences or has been tardy for over 30 minutes on three or more days, is considered to be truant. (EC Section 48260)
    Truancy notifications are automatically generated after a fixed number of unexcused absences and/or tardies.
    • 1st Notification = 3 unexcused absences
    • 2nd Notification (SART Meeting required) = 6 unexcused absences
    • 3rd Notification (SARB Hearing, if necessary) = 9 unexcused absences


     Please contact the Attendance Clerk at 909-464-9938 with questions or for further clarification.