The deadline to get your NJHS t-shirt and promotion cord is Friday March 10, 2023. Please bring your $25 donation to room 304 before the deadline.
Please turn in your first trimester grade printouts with citizenship. They will post in Aeries on November 2. Thank you.
Please check the Google Classroom for holiday service project opportunities.
There are sign-up sheets for service hours available in the Google Classroom. Only sign up if you are completely sure that you will be able to attend. If you have not been added to the Google Classroom by 10/14/22 please go to room 304 and check with Mrs. Gierut
Applications are due October 7.
Grades must include citizenship and work habits. You may make a photocopy of your progress report, or use Aeries- grades-grades tab. DO NOT ASK THE OFFICE TO MAKE THE COPY FOR YOU.
Thank you for your interest in the National Junior Honor Society at Canyon Hills Junior High School. Listen carefully starting in late September for meeting announcements. We will be having information meetings after the first six-week grading period ends.