• Welcome
    October 30, 2024
    Dear Students and Families,
    Trimester one is behind us now.  On to trimester two!  Keep reading, coyotes!
    Library fine notices will be going out the first week of November 2024.  These will include missing books and fines from previous school sites as a courtesy to those schools.  If you have any questions about those fines, please reach out to those schools directly.  There will be school abbreviations if they are from another site.  For example, a fine from Rolling Ridge will have [RR] and a missing library book from Hidden Trails will have [HT].  Library fines must be paid in exact cash.  Fines for textbooks or Chromebooks can also be paid by a check payable to CVUSD. I am happy to clear fines and mail items back to your elementary school if you turn in anything here. Contact me by email if you have any questions!
    General Library Information

    Students are welcome in the library every school day at 8:45am.  At lunch, students are welcome in after they have been released from the lunch tables.  After school, the library is open for about 15 minutes to take care of any library business. Take a look at our posted library hours for all the particulars. (And of course, you can always come by during class with a pass from your teacher.)
    While in the library, you can look for a book to check-out, read, study, do homework, quietly work on group projects, charge your Chromebook, work on a puzzle or maybe even play a game of chess.  Quiet activities are welcome as long as everyone is respectful and responsible.  
    Have a question? Don't hesitate to contact me by email.
    All the best,
    Mrs. Sexton
    Guardian of Books & Devices

    Need more great stuff to read at home? Sign up for a San Bernardino County Library card and you can have access to digital books & magazines and audiobooks!  See the links below for more information.
    SB County Digital Lib Card
    SB County Library e-Content page http://www.sbclib.org/ResearchandeContent.aspx

    To see a message from Mrs. Sexton, click  HERE
    To see information about hours, services and library policies, click  HERE