Rasmussen, Geri
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•Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 1:30pm-2:00pm
Wednesday 11:30am-12:00pm
(909)590-2707 ex. 8102 geri_rasmussen@chino.k12.ca.us
Please encourage the following skills and activities with your child as our goal is to always
promote independence, language and communication skills.
- Memory games: matching pictures, matching objects
- Helping: putting out their own snacks/lunch
- Cleaning up: putting away jackets, toys, cleaning up their own snacks/lunch
- Sorting: putting all small balls in one bin, placing hats in a bag...
- Classifying: putting similar objects into groups, all the red cars together, all the pink bows...
- Counting: counting while playing, grocery shopping, having meals, snacks (how many crackers? how many cars?)
- Outdoor Activities: taking a walk-talk about what they see-trees, leaves, bugs, clouds....
- Child Yoga: stretch like a cat, make yourself as tall as a tree...
- Singing: songs, recall nursery rhymes...
- READ, READ and READ some more!!