
  • Dear Parents/Guardians and Math Students,                                                                                                                   August 2021


                  Welcome back to school and an exciting year. I am glad to have you in my class! I believe that success in school depends on cooperation and communication. In order to begin this communication process and to ensure a productive year, my students will observe the following expectations and requirements as set forth by the Mathematics Department of Canyon Hills Junior High School.


    BE PREPARED TO SUCCEED EVERY DAY! Each day you are expected to be prepared. Below are a few useful materials for class:

    • All supplies as outlined in the student handbook in the agenda
    • Math workbook
    • Homework
    • (Keep your COVERED textbook at home.)

    **If you have any trouble acquiring these supplies, please don’t hesitate to see your teacher.


    NEATNESS/WORK HABITS: It is important that you take pride in all the work you do and that you do your very best on each assignment. All assignments must be written on standard-sized, three-hole paper.  Also, you must show each step for every problem. IF HOMEWORK IS NOT COMPLETED or IS NOT SHOWING ALL STEPS, FULL CREDIT SHALL NOT BE GIVEN.


    CLASSROOM RULES/CONSEQUENCES: Our Math Department will enforce the School-Wide Classroom Behavior expectations as outlined in the agenda.


    CHEATING: If you choose to cheat (copy) on homework, quizzes or tests, etc., you shall earn NO CREDIT, and lowered citizenship grade for that trimester. Multiple offenses will result in further consequences.


    GRADES: Grades will be weighted in the following manner (CHJHS Math Dept. Policy):                                                                          


    Math 7

    Accel 7 / Math 8


    Assessments (Tests & Quizzes)




    Classwork/Homework/Study Skills*   








    *(agenda signatures, class notes, etc…)                                    


    Grades are posted online. Parents and students are encouraged to follow your progress and achievement weekly.  Grades are updated weekly.


    EXTRA HELP: Students may obtain extra help from me after school or by appointment. I post my availability weekly. There are also many online tutorials by topic. 


    HOMEWORK: You need to copy the agenda as soon as you enter the classroom so you will know what we are learning and what homework is expected each day. Your homework may be multiday assignments/projects.


    MISSED TESTS/QUIZZES: Missed tests/quizzes can only be made up after school or by appointment.


    ABSENCES: It is the student’s responsibility to check to see what he/she missed during their absence. They need to copy down the agenda, write down any missing assignment, tests, quizzes, projects, etc. and ask questions if anything needs clarification. Also, turn in whatever was due ON the day you missed. You will have the number of days absent to make up daily assignments.


    Please feel free to contact me by email at


    I am looking forward to a successful year!



    Mr. McCleskey

    CHJHS Mathematics Department

    "Education Code Section 490011 (a) states:  A pupil enrolled in a public school shall not be required to pay a pupil fee for participation in an educational activity."