• Positive Behavior, Intervention, and Supports (PBIS) 

    To maintain a positive and safe learning environment, our school has high expectations for behavior. Our “All Star'' behavior expectations are part of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) program. This evidence-based program improves social-emotional competence, academic success, and overall school environment. Country Springs has three behavior expectations: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe.   


    PBIS begins in each classroom with a set of expectations for appropriate classroom behavior. These behavior expectations are taught and reviewed with students throughout the school year, communicated to the parents at Back to School Night, and posted so that they are visible in classrooms. Expectations are also set for common areas throughout the school such as the playground, Hall of Fame, and restrooms. These expectations are reviewed with students during weekly school-wide assemblies.  

    Students are recognized for upholding our school-wide expectations by earning a "Trading Card" from any staff member. Every month, Country Springs holds a "Trading Card Exchange" where students are able to exchange their cards for various rewards. All students receive social-emotional lessons from their teacher through the district adopted curriculum Second Step. 

    The noon grounds at Country Springs reward students for upholding the target behavior that aligns with PBIS with a "Diamond Club Pass". Students who earn a diamond club pass are invited to a special reward.  

    When expected behaviors are not demonstrated and correction is needed, a “Strike” is issued. These forms, issued by playground supervisors, teachers, or administrators, describe the violation and require a parent signature.   


    Strike – A strike is issued when a minor infraction has occurred. The teacher will contact the parent and a document will be sent home explaining the incident and requesting parent signature. 


    Office Referral: In the event of a more serious infraction that violates both the school’s standards and the District Behavior Code, or for repeated classroom/playground violations, an Office Referral form is completed. The student receiving the referral meets with an administrator for counseling and development of a “plan” for correcting inappropriate behavior. Parents are contacted by administration when an office referral is issued.