• Volunteer/Visitor Guidelines and Expectations

    Volunteers are always welcome at Country Springs! We encourage every parent to become involved and volunteer in the classroom or at school events. Contact your child’s teacher to set up a time to volunteer in the classroom.

    We would like to share some guidelines for volunteering at Country Springs:

      • To ensure student safety, the district utilizes a sign in system (Raptor) for all volunteers. Find the Mandarin and Spanish translated Raptor letter here. The first time you come onto campus, volunteers/visitors will be required to show your driver’s license or state ID. This will be scanned and screened by the Megan’s Law website. A ‘Visitor’ badge will be printed with the location you are visiting. All volunteers will be required to wear the badge while on campus and sign out when they leave.  
      • Silence your cell phone.
      • Volunteers/visitors may use the restrooms located in the office building. Student restrooms may not be entered.
      • Keep interactions with the children positive and accept each child at his/her own level of development and ability.
      • Refrain from comparing children within the class or with family members.
      • Allow children to do their own work whenever possible unless they require intervention to get back on track.
      • Encourage children to pick up after themselves and put things away.
      • Helping to make each child responsible for his/her own actions is one of the most important tasks we have.
      • Help train the children to be good listeners by making sure that everyone is focusing on directions so there will not be a need for frequent repetitions.
      • We expect each child to complete the tasks assigned, so when calling a child, say, “It is your turn now to...”
      • If you are unsure about what you are doing, don’t be afraid to ask for help.