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Academic Honesty Policy
Canyon Hills believes that a sound educational program must insist upon academic honesty. We expect Canyon Hills’ students to display personal integrity and self-respect. Students should understand that learning to prepare for a test is as important as the material being covered. The final value of one’s education is what is learned and not what grade a student receives. Grades mean little when cheating is accepted. Assisting someone else to cheat is no different than cheating yourself:
The following actions, but not limited to, are in violation of Canyon Hills’ Academic Honesty Policy:
- Copying from another student’s assignment or test
- Using a “cheat” sheet or other external assistance without teacher consent
- Stealing or borrowing without expressed teacher permission of a test, quiz, and/or other confidential document
- Making a copy, in part or in whole, of a confidential document, including, but not limited to, taking a picture of a test or quiz
- Creating false data for a bibliography
- Watching a video or reading “Cliff Notes” of a literary work in place of reading the piece
- Borrowing a study guide or object with answers and copying them as one’s own work
- Plagiarism: Copying word for word in part or in whole, including, but not limited to, erasing/deleting someone else’s name and substituting it for your own
- Turning in someone else’s work, in part or in whole, including, but not limited to, erasing/deleting someone else’s name and substituting it for your own work
- Unauthorized collaboration: working with another student on a project, assignment, homework test, etc. without expressed permission from the teacher. This also includes but is not limited to lending or showing your paper and/or assignment to another student for any reason without the expressed permission from the teacher
- Successfully or unsuccessfully attempting to solicit another student in the process of violating Canyon Hills’ Academic Honesty Policy
- In any way attempting to or planning to engage in the process of violating Canyon Hills’ Academic Honesty Policy
Consequences for violating the Canyon Hills’ Academic Honesty Policy may include:First Offense: Student receives “F” (zero credit) grade on the assignment. Teacher calls the parent(s)/guardian(s) and informs them that the student will be referred to the administration. Referral to administration. Administrative detention assigned. Student receives “N” in both citizenship and/or work habits on trimester report card.
Second Offense: Student receives “F” on assignment. Teacher calls the parent(s)/guardian(s) and informs them that the student wi be referred to the administration. Saturday School assigned. Parent conference. Student receives a “U” in citizenship and/or work habits on trimester report card.